Chewing gum is useful, but is it chewing properly? President Obama?

Chewing gum is helpful, but is President Obama chewing it right?A photo from open sources

As the Dutch researchers found, one chewing gum, when used correctly, is capable of trapping and neutralize up to one hundred million bacteria in the oral cavity. However this she “makes” prevention only in the first minutes.

The most effective is any modern chewing gum in the first thirty seconds, then it picks up the bacteria worse and weaker and at some point already begins to return microorganisms to the cavity the mouth. Therefore, people, for example, US President Obama, constantly and chewing gum for a long time (even at a military parade held in New Delhi on the occasion of Republic Day, what caused the indignation of the Indian people), using it is extremely irrational – stupid, because in in this case, chewing gum brings the human body more harm than good.

Studies have pushed Dutch scientists to the idea create special therapeutic chewing gum, which, on the one hand, will selectively affect certain types of pathogens microorganisms, and on the other – effectively fight them on over a longer period, say, over fifteen to twenty minutes.

Barack Obama

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