Children see the world differently

Children see the world differentlyPhoto from open sources

Seira told about these events in Fate magazine (No. 4, 2005). Estep is the author of Voices of Eternity. Seira for many years explores the “phenomenon of electronic voices”, i.e. contacts with some otherworldly entities carried out through technical means – radio, tape recorder, TV, etc. But her interest in abnormalities arose in early childhood when the girl was three or four years.

At that time, Seira did not know anything about other realities. Not less, quite strange things often happened to her. For instance, she wakes up, opens her eyes and notices that everything around It looks somehow unusual. All the furniture, the room, the corridor seems more clear, real, as if “washed”. In a minute or two, everything takes on its usual form again.

Since the girl had no doubt that everyone else in her family feel the same way, she never even mentioned it. And only much later, forty years later, one day I came across a description such sensations – the author called it “binocular vision” and explained: it’s as if a person was looking through binoculars with reverse side.

One night, when Sarah was about five years old, she survived terrifying minutes. Opening my eyes, I saw two men to my right, standing opposite the dressing table in her bedroom – her back to her. Mother usually left the door to the nursery open, and in the hallway night the light was on, so that everything was clearly visible. The men were very strangely dressed. On both – knee-high breeches, long-sleeved shirts and vests, and one has a polka dot bandana tied around his head.

The impression was that the “guests” did not even know about the presence of the girl. They were completely obsessed with looking. of what lay on the table: picked up one thing after another and carefully considered.

Seira screamed. Parents immediately ran into the room, and the daughter, sobbing, she told them what she had just seen here. It is clear that mom and dad began to reassure the child. This is supposedly a game imagination, just a bad dream. In the bright light of Seire’s lamp I had to agree that no strangers in the bedroom really not.

After kissing the daughter, the parents retired to their bedroom. Almost at that the instant those two returned. Now, it seems they were already aware that there is someone else besides them in the room. They approached, stood silently at Seira’s beds. She pretended to be sleeping, but continued to follow them sneakily. A minute later they returned to the toilet the table, barely audible something muttering to each other. Took a little a box of coins and shook.

Out of surprise, Seira cried out again. Parents immediately appeared, and again the girl through tears told them that those two came to her room again. She begged mom and dad to look in pantry and under the bed, search wherever possible. Searched. But no one was found. Sobbing, Seira kept saying: “I know they are somewhere here! “In a word, my mother went to bed with Seroy.

As soon as she fell asleep, those two appeared again. And again they stood by beds looking at the girl and her mother. And although Cyrus was scared to death, she again pretended to be sleeping.

“Why didn’t I wake my mother then?” – painfully reflected subsequently Seira. – After all, they were then half a meter away from us! ..

But for some reason, she knew that mom wouldn’t see them anyway …

A few minutes later, the two left. The girl heard them go down the stairs as they walk around the house. One of them took a few chords on the piano. Another found Sarah’s favorite toy – it was a bird on a stick, and if you rotate it, the bird let out whistling sound.

– Why, why I didn’t wake my mother then, so that she would hear are these sounds? Seira asked herself. – Yes, because I knew: she all this will not hear!

Morning came. Seira and her parents began to dress. Just in time the time a bell sounded at the front door. Going to the window in his in the bedroom, she saw those two men: they went down the steps, turned left along the path and walked along it until not out of sight.

This time the parents heard the entrance bell and went to the steps stairs.

Just at that moment Mary appeared – a 20-year-old girl who then lived in their house and studied for a secretary. She slept in another parts of the house and was not aware of what happened here at night. Saire’s mom from above asked who came there. Mary – she was clearly discouraged – answered: “Hearing the bell, I opened the door, but there were two men looking so strange that I was confused and right there slammed the door in front of their nose! ”

Both mother and father looked at Seira as if they saw her first.

After that, no one ever said a word about the events of that night and that morning. But Seira understood why. It was something so transcending normal reality that adults just did not want to delve into the details. And although no strangers anymore didn’t appear, everything was perceived differently in the house anyway, as if another environment were added to the surrounding space additional dimension. And binocular vision began to appear in Seira less and less and by the end of the year disappeared altogether.

But, one wonders, where did those strangers come from?

– I believe that they came from another dimension, from parallel world, says Seira Estep. – By the way they were dressed and how they were enchanted by items on the dressing table, you can to assume that their time was very different from ours. Maybe years at 200. Somehow they slipped into my reality and touched her. I thought a lot about it and came to the conclusion that, maybe whenever I have binocular vision, I as if looking into another dimension. And on the night when they appeared two, maybe I stepped into that reality a little further.

But one more thing is surprising. Seira grew up, married, gave birth a son named Bob. And when he was five years old (now he 40), he began to experience very similar sensations!

One evening, the boy suddenly woke up crying and screaming. Seira and her husband Charles rushed to his son. He was sitting on his crib and cried as bitterly and desperately as only a five-year-old can cry child.

“There are a lot of animals here,” he wailed, poking a finger at everything side. – And on my bed, and everywhere on the floor!

A photo from open sources

Of course, dad told his son that all this is just a dream.

– No, dad, I see them! Look, here he is – a beast! He is climbing on my bed! Bob objected.

He was terrified. It was enough to look into his eyes to there is no doubt left – the baby really sees it all. Moreover, he sees clearly, clearly, as his mother saw thirty years ago those two men. Bob was terribly worried, trying to push the beast from his bed, turning one way, then the other. Well of course. For him, it was the same reality as for him. mothers in childhood – the appearance of those strangers in breeches. Means animals and indeed for some time broke into our world from another reality? And did Bob see them?

One way or another, but he calmed down and fell asleep only after dad and his mother took him to her bedroom and put him to bed.

But who would explain why children and adults see the same is the world different? Why does it happen that a child sees a UFO while standing next to an adult – no? Why are children easy and natural (without any hypnosis) enter the world of their former reincarnations, and adults all forget? Why is it as real to a child as today’s life, but for adults – something beyond

Asking these and many other questions, we unwittingly turn into of the very “whys” that all without exception were in childhood …


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