Photo from open sources
Duowei News portal run by Chinese people living in Europe, said that the People’s Liberation Army (the same armed forces) China has such a powerful modern weapons like a neutron bomb. And these weapons are always ready China use against the USA as a last resort in case of invasion Americans to the territory controlled by the popular front.
The site emphasizes that the neutron bomb is easy neutralize, say, an entire column of M1A2 Abrams type tanks (main United States) or infantry unit on combat vehicles M2A3 Bradley. In this case, all military personnel will be destroyed without much harm to the technology itself, which then the Chinese will certainly direct against the United States.
Note that neutron weapons actually act on adversary through gamma waves that hit live human tissue and easily penetrate even through the thickness of the earth into several feet, not to mention armor: for them it is not a barrier. Neutron the bomb, writes, was first developed against the USSR during the cold war, however today such weapons possess almost all omniscient powers of the world, including China.
And doubt that the PRC will use a neutron bomb against US invasion is not necessary. It seems that the Americans are smart enough not get in touch with China, especially since the main interests of the world the gendarme is not here but in Russia, and this is primarily Siberia.
China Russia USA