China plans to switch to a four-day work week

China plans to switch to a four-day work weekA photo from open sources

According to the Chinese newspaper “People’s Daily”, according to a recent report by the PRC Academy of Social Sciences in the country it is planned to introduce a four-day work week, that is, residents China will work 4 days for 9 hours, and then 3 days relax.

Of course, this will not come tomorrow, until 2025 in the country it is planned to transfer to a similar work schedule only large and medium-sized state enterprises in eastern China. Until 2030 four-week workweek will cover the rest of the year countries, that is, from that time on, all the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire will become 4 days to work and 3 days to rest.

Rest will also change during the Spring Festival, which by 2025 will increase to 8 days (along with the festival of the Lanterns). However in china there is also a problem with paid holidays, which today are not implemented throughout the country. By 2025, the report notes, this the issue will also be resolved.

In this case, China will once again show the world the benefits real socialism over capitalism. By the way, we note that in its USSR time set the tone in this matter, really shortening the working day workers and increasing their paid leave, forcing the capitalist world adjust to the Soviet Union in its the desire to prove that their democratic system is the most humane and the best. Now, it seems that China is taking on this role …

A photo from open sources

By the way, the CEO of the New Zealand company Perpetual Guardian Mr. Andrew Barnes recently interrupted an experiment with a four-day workweek that he decided hold for two months. But his leader interrupted not for in order to return to the previous work schedule, and to introduce this innovation on an ongoing basis. To understand all the benefits of such Barnes and his research team had just enough work organization two weeks. During this time, labor productivity in the team nearly three hundred employees increased by an average of 20 percent, people’s fatigue and stress decreased by 12 percent, dramatically motivation of employees to cooperate with the company increased to mention other advantages. Therefore Perpetual Guardian’s New Zealand can be said to be one of the first in the world to successfully applied a 4-day work schedule.

To this it is only worth adding that research in this matter have been going on for a long time, and almost all of them prove that the reduction the working week will positively affect all indicators of labor the collective and the enterprise as a whole, however, to introduce such an innovation, seemingly crazy at first sight entrepreneur, no one has yet decided. Perpetual Experience Guardian can be a good touchstone, but he can’t change the whole world attitude towards this issue. But the experience of China – quite …

USSR China time �

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