China sent troops to Tajikistan

China sent troops to TajikistanA photo from open sources

China expands its territory, taking control of part Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region of Tajikistan. Thus China has “annexed” one and a half thousand square kilometers territories transferred at one time to the Chinese in payment of external debt of Dushanbe. The troops of the People’s Republic of China entered Tajikistan, having established military control over a large plot of land in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO) of Tajikistan, reports the Central Asian information portal News-asia . The publication also notes that China has launched an operation to send troops yet the 6th of May. The publication also clarifies that the territory of Dushanbe occupied by the PRC handed over to China in repayment of external debt. All in all over the years independence of Tajikistan, the Chinese were given 1,5 thousand square kilometers of land, essentially controversial territory. Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region is known for its distant position with respect to central authority. Residents GBAO are not always subject to decisions of official Dushanbe, often causing “fire” of the republican leadership on itself. Is worth recall that in the summer of 2012, a conflict broke out in autonomy, provoked by a center in which civilians died, including people. Gorno Badakhshan defended his field commanders, pursued by the authorities of the country. If expansion involving the military from China will continue, it is possible that in the region another conflict will break out. Back in early 2013, many experts warned that official Dushanbe is preparing a transfer act lands to China, but then no one took the information seriously. Experts claimed that the territories would be surrendered to China repayment of external debt. In the future – clearance for China Alpine lands unsuitable for living. However China sees in these lands are a good prospect because they are rich deposits of precious stones, uranium and minerals. News-Asianotes that the Chinese have already embarked on exploration work in Murghab itself, and the actions of a neighboring state in Tajikistan legalized by adopting amendments to the law “On Subsoil”. In fact, official Dushanbe legalized field development legal entities from abroad. Known to the territory Tajikistan has already begun to arrive, not only the military, but also civilians. The latter will develop the land, where in due time Ethnic Tajiks lived. Between the parties today goes the unspoken struggle for land that the Tajiks do not want to concede Chinese migrants. However, they apparently still have to to do since there are government documents obliging the local population to leave the territory. By Materials: News-Asia Time China

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