Photo from open sources
In 2011, China again began to search for snow thirty years after the last major scientific expedition trying to track him in the national reserve Shennongjia of Hubei province in the central part of the country. Then in late 70s of the last century, scientists from Beijing and Shanghai more for two years combed the least accessible areas of forest areas where traces of wild people, or, in Chinese, yerens, have ever been noted. 100 highly qualified specialists supported by military parts and volunteers explored 600 square miles however the efforts of scientists did not allow then to unravel the mystery of existence mysterious hominoids. Were found: only more than 2 thousand prints traces of their legs, the remains of hair, feces and even samples blood, as well as many places “lying” elusive hairy creatures. Now cryptozoologists are counting on more modern equipment, including camcorders and remote tracking devices, which will allow them to search for yerens much more effectively. One of search enthusiasts became 75-year-old Wang Shanzai from Hubei Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archeology. He is also Vice Chair of the local branch of the Association Wild Man (HWMRA). According to him, in the reserve Today, at least 20 yerens live. Searches supposed deploy in the same Shennongjia Reserve. More than four hundred person, according to the Chinese Xinhua News Agency, for the last decade claimed to have seen a bigfoot here or its traces – each foot had a length of 40 centimeters. Witnesses give his description as an erect creature, over two meters. His entire body, with the exception of his face, palms and feet It is covered with a dense coat of gray, red or black. Jeren, by they said, is a big lover of corncobs. Here for example, as described by researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences 33-year-old Pang Yongseng: “He was about seven feet tall, his shoulders wider, than a person’s overhanging forehead, deep-seated eyes and wide nose with slightly twisted nostrils. He had sunken cheeks, ears, similar to human, but larger, round eyes, also more larger than human eyes. Jaw protruding forward protruding lips. The front teeth are large, like a horse. Eyes black ones. Dark brown hair, long, one foot long, loose hung on the shoulders. The whole face, with the exception of the nose and ears, was covered with short hair. Hands hung below the knees. Hands large, fingers about six inches long, articulating fingers slightly highlighted. There was no tail, and the body was covered short with hair. He walked straight, legs wide apart. Feet were inches twelve long and about six inches wide – wider in front, him behind. With flat nails. It was a man. He fit everything closer and closer. I backed away until I buried my back on the rock. There was nowhere to run. I raised an ax, ready to fight for a life. We stood against each other for a long time, not moving. Then I picked up the stone and threw it at him. The stone hit him in the chest. is he uttered a few cries and began to rub the place of impact with his left hand. Then he turned left, leaned against a tree, and then slowly wandered down to the bottom of the gorge. He continued to make groaning sounds. After following some time in his wake, I no longer discovered. Only in one place came across a puddle of foul smelling liquid, probably his urine. “” WILD WOMEN “LIKE CHINA PEASANTS Earlier during excavations in the area scientists have found many petrified teeth of giant monkeys. Therefore, according to experts, Bigfoot can be a descendant of these ancient primates. In rural areas of Hubei there are widespread tales that yerens truly possess insatiable sexual appetite and more than once broke into residential buildings and raped the peasants! Chinese cryptozoologists are also known several cases where females of a Hubei yeti raped a local male residents. In particular, two similar incidents occurred in 1983. In the first case, a whole group of yerens, who were preoccupied with finding sexual partners burst into one of the villages and raped by men paralyzed by fear. IN the same 1983, another female Bigfoot, about two meters, broke into a mountain hut in which he slept peasant. The unfortunate suffered the same fate. “He was too scared to call for help, and too weak to resist. The wild woman spent several minutes with him and left, “one of the local newspapers described the details of the drama. Is this true or legends – the participants of the new expedition also have to find out. Gennady Fedotov
Yeti Stones Time China