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Chocolate is definitely one of the favorite treats on the planet, it is produced in thousands of tons annually, and its history takes its toll beginning at least in 1100 BC, in South Africa. However, some chocolate lovers still Feel a little awkward for the tendency to use it, since they associate chocolate with “sweets” (logically follows from the fact that it is in the sweets section of the store), Knowing nothing about preliminary and clinical studies, where it is indicated that it can more likely be called a medicine than a treat. Indeed, chocolate can bring pharmaceutical industry at least $ 29 billion based on a 2006 study that found that regular drinking chocolate reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases by 50 percent. But the participants in this study consumed only 2.11 grams of chocolate per day! New study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, revealed the ability of chocolate and its active ingredients (cocoa, flavan-3-ols) reduce the effects of a wide range of risk factors cardiovascular disease, some of which include insulin resistance. Forty two were held short and long experiment; on average it was discovered 33% reduction in insulin resistance after ingestion chocolate. The results are amazing, because chocolate is usually considered the culprit in raising blood sugar and insulin levels, which entails the development of increased insulin resistance. New research not only exposes this misconception, but also sheds light on how the use of chocolate (especially natural, dark) may be useful in prevention and treatment diabetes of the first and second types. One of the beneficial properties of chocolate lies in the well-known ability to reduce manifestations endothelial tissue dysfunction (this tissue lines the walls of blood vessels and the cavity of the heart; approx.). High sugar levels lead to glycation (oxidation and caramelization of blood sugar), which leads to fixation of sugar bonds with proteins and lipids on the walls blood vessels and internal organs, causing disturbances. Diabetes good respond to the ability of cocoa to expand the lumen of the arteries that entails a decrease in the incidence, and, as a result, mortality. The health benefits of chocolate have been proven after forty more than a decade of research indicates chocolate’s ability to lower blood pressure, prevent and limit manifestations of endothelial dysfunction (primary culprit of the development of atherosclerosis), protect against the development of ischemic heart disease, reduce the risk of strokes, prevent cholesterol oxidation (the process of converting beneficial to arteries lipoproteins into harmful ones). And these are only five of the forty possible health benefits associated with regular chocolate consumption. Any serious discussion about the healing properties of chocolate should carried out by specialists, given today’s violations of the rules chocolate trade; there is even evidence that he is capable to form dependence in children. Grown using chemicals, cocoa beans may contain residues of a dangerous herbicide – glyphosate (active ingredient of the Roundup herbicide). The latter, along with other biocides, is widely used in agriculture, so the consumer must be especially caution to avoid such “pitfalls”. Still worth note the fact that many seemingly independent brands like Dagoba or Green & Black were bought by large corporations, such as Hershey and Cadbury. This means that while you think you eat the highest quality chocolate, actually for its production and sales may not be used very quality raw materials or violate trade rules. In other words, First you need to figure it out. In addition, due to the availability of chocolate complex pharmacologically active properties followed consume in moderation. Also, you need with attention relate to the tendency to use chocolate for self-medication, especially if the content of this cocoa product is reduced, and the amount of sugar is increased.