Christmas Island – Holiday of the Future Christmas

On Christmas Island - a holiday of the future ChristmasPhoto from open sources

Against the background of all political and economic world problems, natural disasters on the planet, what is happening on the Australian Christmas island seems to be some kind of magical a fairy tale.

A photo from open sources

Here began the migration of multimillion flocks of red crabs, which takes place annually in October, but this year is unusual the warm season, crustaceans were obviously late with concern for procreation.

A photo from open sources

Red crabs move from forest to ocean for the sole purpose of – give new offspring, that is, provide the Christmas of a new life. There are so many of them that they block all roads and routes, therefore authorities of the island at this time suspend movement vehicles, in addition to the hottest areas where it is impossible to do this, special bridges have long been built here, climbs and tunnels so that short-tailed crayfish can migrate to water, bypassing the dangerous highway roads.

A photo from open sources

The massive migration of red crayfish certainly creates some inconvenience for the inhabitants of the island, but for children and everyone who loves nature is a real celebration of the soul. As these say lucky, be in a stream of crustaceans, watch him fantastic overflows, let live weight flow through your soul and body is some incomparable bliss that fills and even fills a person with the energy of the beyond happiness. Obviously, this is because the multimillion the mass of crabs does not just move, but is directed to fulfill its main mission on the planet, which, incidentally, is the same with person – the continuation of the genus.

A photo from open sources

Note that the number of crabs migrating to the ocean at this time is an island can reach one hundred and eighty million. Not all of them survive along the way, a lot of short-tailed crayfish die on roads (and not only), despite all the efforts of the authorities, environmentalists, kind people. And yet life triumphs! And watch over this triumph – all that’s one thing to touch a miracle!

Island Life Time

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