Chupacabra destroys cattle near Lipetsk

Chupacabra destroys cattle near LipetskPhotos from open sources of

In the administrative center of the Lipetsk region, the legendary monster killing and devouring domestic cattle. Lipchan claim that chupacabra has been noticed here before many years, however, recently the mysterious predator began literally rage, killing animals, drinking from them only blood.

For example, the inhabitants of the village of Big Samovets are scared the most, because here the monster appears especially often.

According to one of the villagers, the chupacabra makes terrible sounds, resembling the crack of a stun gun. Animal with dimensions large dog, covered with a short coat of dirty gray. Being has a narrow elongated muzzle, a wide mouth with surprisingly sharp fangs and a long bare tail, similar to a rat. Front legs predators are equipped with scary claws. Most often chupacabra moves on four legs, however, some eyewitnesses claim to have seen her stand on her hind limbs and with running at a tremendous speed like a kangaroo. Animal he is wary of a person, but he is not particularly afraid of him. Chupacabra is believed to be driven away with loud screams and stones, although villagers prefer not to conflict with this a monster – it’s painfully unpredictable.

Just the other day, as eyewitnesses of the village testify, chupacabra even wanted to bully a domestic cat, however last miraculously managed to escape. Then the predator switched to rabbits and destroyed them all to one on several farms. Fierce the creature also attacked pigs, biting three of them throats and after drinking all the blood.

Unfortunately, photo and video evidence of the chupacabra raids the inhabitants of Bolshoi Samovts are not yet able to provide. According to the inhabitants, the monster always appears completely suddenly and very moves fast, so capture it on mobile cameras telephones are quite problematic, and surveillance cameras in rural farms not yet.

In addition, a Russian man who does not have the habit of chasing after sensations and fame, more concerned about the safety of his loved ones, yourself and livestock. Therefore, he has something to tell, but, to Unfortunately, there is nothing to present as a material evidence.

Recall that the first reports of chupacabra began to appear in fifties in puerto rico where they started dying of blood loss goats. According to local farmers, the animals were attacked by a creepy a monster that rushed to the goats on the neck and sucked all the blood out of them. Hence the name – chupacabra, that is, “goat vampire.” Amazing another: why did this monster spread all over the earth and now is especially common in Russia and Ukraine? ..

Kangaroo Monsters Russia Chupacabra

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