A photo from open sources
A mysterious predator appeared in the Barguzinsky district. About this stories have been told for more than 2 weeks now. People find pig corpses killed by an unknown creature. Reporting from the Barguzinsky district. An old water tub and yellowed drops of blood are all that left from the inhabitants of this pen. Claudia Linkhoeva, resident Bayangol village, at first thought that the pigs were just sleeping. And then scared seriously, noticing the marks of fangs. The villagers then decided – a dog. But after a day, the mysterious predator attacked already neighboring yard. And again the same picture: the pigs turned blue and dead terrible traces of a night bloodsucker. Beligto Budaev, a resident of the village of Bayangol: The footprint is like a dog, 3 claws. So, on the night of Thursday to Friday, some beast attacked my pigs, bullied 6 piglets, almost three months old. This is one of the few evidence that the night predator left: the paw print of either a lynx or wolverines, or a stray dog that sucks blood. In just 2 weeks an obscure creature attacked 14 yards of Bayangol village and destroyed 29 piglets. At first, the beast was operating on the outskirts of the village, but then he reached the central courtyards. Svetlana Munkoeva only out of the corner of my eye I saw what the villagers had already christened chupacabra. He says it’s like a greyhound dog. Only very fast. Beside was her puppy. Svetlana Munkoeva, a resident of the village of Bayangol: When we approached, lit a lantern, a large, black as jumped out and ran away, and the little one darted into the ditch. By the way, the family mongrel The Munkoyevs had previously guarded the house. But after a night’s visit the bloodsucker barely escapes from the porch, as if still is in a state of shock. In one of the courtyards in the center of the village Chupacabra tore two five-month-old gilts. And first interrupted their fangs vertebrae. Experts say this is unlikely even a seasoned wolf is capable. Swamps of Shiribazarov, correspondent: And yet there is one characteristic feature in the behavior of the so-called chupacabra. She appears where not big dogs. By the way, recently in the village of Bayangol passed new rumor that chupacabra was finally caught. This is Erdem employee of the local unit of the Ministry of Emergencies. It is he, according to the Bayangolites, and caught the night bloodsucker. That’s just Erdem has not held for many years pigs. “Just someone started a rumor that chupacabra is pestering me,” indignant fireman. About the thirtieth bell answered with a joke, about which he regretted very soon. Erdem: The people got me that they ate my piglets. First 10 piglets, on the second day 20 piglets. I he joked simply, said: “My pigs, on the contrary, ate chupacabra.” Everything, there was nothing else. And the people again got me. In general, nobody caught chupacabra. But the district authorities have already prepared the whole Decree on the shooting of a mysterious predator. This man is his preferred not to name the name. In the village he is known as an experienced and skillful hunter. However, even he can’t answer what kind of beast holds Bayangol in fear. He says he hasn’t seen anything before. like that. – Traces only in a jump are printed for some reason. When crushes or a jump in her like that. As in the village of people, we came where they crushed piglets, looked at these tracks, and in the region forests. By the way, last year a similar story happened in the neighboring village of Soil. There, an unknown vampire was killing sheep. That’s just Bayangol chupacabra prefers the blood of piglets. Besides she literally cuts to pieces bloodless corpses. Locals already order prayers and wonder if this is a curse? After all, a monster announced in the village on September 7, on the eve of the election. True hunters They promise that they will soon put an end to this terrible story. Necessary just wait for the first snow to fall.
Chupacabra dogs