Chupacabra is rampant in Ukraine

Chupacabra is rampant in UkrainePhotos from open sources of

In the Ukrainian city of Galich in the north of Ivano-Frankivsk region an unknown creature harming the farmers appeared. Mysterious creature breaks cells with domestic rabbits, however for an unknown reason Don’t eat cattle.

Instead, the predator strangles the animals, drinks all the blood from them, and then even puts their carcasses in a row. As if mocking … Citizens believe that they got the legendary chupacabra, which Occasionally seen in many parts of the world, including in Ukraine.

Alena Stefunko, who thus lost thirty rabbits, said that a similar misfortune overtook a few days ago and her neighbors. True, those alleged chupacabra strangled everything eleven rabbits. Every time an unknown creature sneaks into the areas at night, the dogs begin to bark furiously. By nevertheless, they cannot resist the bloodthirsty predator. After each such visit, the four-legged helpers look very scared.

Alena’s husband Vladimir reports that he has no idea how to fight with this mysterious pest. Dead rabbits showed veterinarian, but they only shrugged: they are not they know which animal would strangle these harmless animals, not devouring them, and even laying dead carcasses in even rows. It seems that a predator in this way is simply played with both its victims and people.

Spouses Stefunko also told what they saw in early summer Chupacabra with my own eyes. She flashed past their fence like a huge gray shadow, scaring a family dog, which at the same time hid in a corner and began to whine plaintively …

Dogs Ukraine Chupacabra

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