Photos from open sources of
Now this mythical creature has taken up chickens in the Northwest area of Stavropol. And although local authorities traditionally try write off the robbery that she inflicted on stray dogs themselves affected by attacks on a bird of an unknown beast doubt it.
For example, Tatyana Partolina saw this beast with her own eyes, who climbed into her chicken coop and scared her to death for some reason a dog hiding in a booth and not showing a nose from there. The creature, of course, resembled a dog in size, it was covered brown, slightly reddish hair. But the amazing thing is that this beast, seeing the mistress of chickens, quickly rushed to the bottom, easily having jumped over a fence one and a half meters high – not a single dog of this I just couldn’t do it.
A photo from open sources
Sergey Korystylev, who also suffered from chupacabra, told local reporters that this mythical creature strangled he has all the chickens. When the man began to pluck the bird, he saw strange marks from two fangs on the back – this is clearly not a dog bite. Moreover, the chickens were completely bloodless, and the meat wasn’t touched completely – it again does not look like an attack on a stray bird dogs or some other famous beast. This chupacabra manages to drink all the blood from a huge number of chickens, and domestic dogs are somehow afraid of her, like fire.
If it’s not even a mythical chupacabra, says Sergey, then obviously an unknown animal to science, because it behaves in a completely different way than predators known to local hunters. This creature has some kind of incomprehensible, just mystical handwriting of killing a bird. And he still has amazing strength for its relatively small bodies, for example, easily tear metal fences.
A photo from open sources
For the first time in Stavropol, chupacabra appeared four years ago, then the inhabitants of Kropotkin passage suffered from it. By the way they described this beast also – something like a dog, however able to easily jump over, almost fly over, high fences and other obstacles in its path. By the way, while sanitary city commission that examined the traces left by this mysterious the beast, was confused – they did not resemble traces of any one famous science predator. And obviously they were not traces of a stray dogs, on which official authorities constantly dump similar night outings.
If you want to learn more about chupacabra, we suggest you look a documentary whose authors managed to collect about it The mythical beast has a lot of interesting information.
Chupacabra Dogs Birds