In early October, the appearance of an unprecedented beast shocked residents of the village of Near Pesochnaya Vyksa district (Nizhny Novgorod region). His victims were 6 sheep and 10 chickens. Judging by the actions of the “criminal” can safely say that in Nizhny Novgorod the chupacabra region has returned, about which for several years in nothing was heard in the region. Beast wielded under cover of night. AND, surprisingly, the animals didn’t make a commotion, as usual happens when uninvited guests appear. – I go out into the yard, look the ram lies, there are no wounds on it. I go to the pen-3 rams lie. A when the barn opened – all the chickens on the floor, not torn, no blood. Horror! – cite the words of a local resident Alexander Kurbatov. IN Alexander Chupacabra’s Compound killed 4 sheep and 10 chickens. Two days earlier, the beast “worked” in the corral of other residents of the village, there he killed 2 sheep. It is noteworthy that the ram destroyer drank only blood, but did not touch the meat. On the skin of dead animals their owners found small holes. And when she decided to carve the carcass in order to feed the mutton dogs were surprised yet more: all soft tissue and cattle bones turned into stuffing! The owners of the slaughtered cattle found “evidence” at the crime scene – some hard black hair. Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources The attacks of the elusive predator were also encountered in the Southern Urals. An unknown beast settled in the forest near the village of Shabrovsky, local the inhabitants have already christened it chupacabra. Many saw the beast, catch failed to anyone, the animal is so elusive that even cameras do not fix it.
So scared Edward had never been. And you weren’t afraid if you met chupacabra on the way? – the man counters. Unprecedented the monster alarmed all the inhabitants of the Ural village. I saw him first Uncle Edward – he even tried to shoot him, but the beast turned out to be quick
“I walked past the net, I hear” Hrrr-hrrr-hrrr “- I sat down, I have my knees trembled, I was scared, seriously, because an hour and a half had passed after the uncle fired, “- Eduard Khakimov, hunter for chupacabra.
According to local descriptions, a strange animal has no hair and ears, and the eyes are huge. They are great in fear, those who themselves make fun I did not see the chupacabra and does not believe in its existence. But the inhabitants of the South The Urals nod to their neighbors – they say that Sverdlovsk residents also saw such monsters. ((ARCHIVE)) Moreover – in Revda and Shabrah invisible animals even before private farms got: exterminated rabbits and dragged three a dozen hens and turkey poults.
“This chup is hypnotizing dogs. Why don’t dogs bark, because a wild beast ran in, they are hypnotized, “- Alevtina Reshetnikova, a resident of Shabrovsky.
Residents of the South Ural village do not know about hypnosis, but some there is a totally fantastic explanation of who chupacabra is. Allegedly, this is an experimental primate who escaped from a secret laboratory. Locals say they saw an unknown person traveling around the village a van with people in uniform. Now the villagers are afraid to go out on at night from home, while the hunters in the meantime prepare guns. After all, for the head of an unknown beast was even awarded a reward.
Video provided by Studio 41.
The attacks of the elusive predator were also encountered in the Southern Urals. An unknown beast settled in the forest near the village of Shabrovsky, local the inhabitants have already christened it chupacabra. Many saw the beast, catch failed to anyone, the animal is so elusive that even cameras do not fix it.
So scared Edward had never been. And you weren’t afraid if you met chupacabra on the way? – the man counters. Unprecedented the monster alarmed all the inhabitants of the Ural village. I saw him first Uncle Edward – he even tried to shoot him, but the beast turned out to be quick
“I walked past the net, I hear” Hrrr-hrrr-hrrr “- I sat down, I have my knees trembled, I was scared, seriously, because an hour and a half had passed after the uncle fired, “- Eduard Khakimov, hunter for chupacabra.
According to local descriptions, a strange animal has no hair and ears, and the eyes are huge. They are great in fear, those who themselves make fun I did not see the chupacabra and does not believe in its existence. But the inhabitants of the South The Urals nod to their neighbors – they say that Sverdlovsk residents also saw such monsters. ((ARCHIVE)) Moreover – in Revda and Shabrah invisible animals even before private farms got: exterminated rabbits and dragged three a dozen hens and turkey poults.
“This chup is hypnotizing dogs. Why don’t dogs bark, because a wild beast ran in, they are hypnotized, “- Alevtina Reshetnikova, a resident of Shabrovsky.
Residents of the South Ural village do not know about hypnosis, but some there is a totally fantastic explanation of who chupacabra is. Allegedly, this is an experimental primate who escaped from a secret laboratory. Locals say they saw an unknown person traveling around the village a van with people in uniform. Now the villagers are afraid to go out on at night from home, while the hunters in the meantime prepare guns. After all, for the head of an unknown beast was even awarded a reward.
Video provided by Studio 41.
The beast does not leave alone and Ukraine. All-Upper Fast Mezhgorsk district in a nightmare a man in the morning found five dead animals. The dead sheep and rams were intact, but with bite marks near the head and a drop of sucked blood.
Blood was also licked clean on the ground. Even called on the scene of the incident, an experienced veterinarian could not understand what kind of a creature with only two fangs could be so cruel in the middle of the night deal with cattle. There is a version that the executioner-robber is Mysterious Chupacabra. Night watchman – dog – when attacked by a beast never gave a voice, but unchained, for a long time did not want get out of the kennel. Probably with a big fright.
About a strange creature – a four-legged vampire who sucks blood from pets mainly at night almost at all the expanses of the country, they spoke long ago. Transcarpathia monster supposedly bypassed. And yet a few years ago, Voice of Ukraine wrote, that he was attacked in Vinogradovsky district. First in the village Humps, and then – in Veryats. True, the leaders of these villages cases extermination of geese, chickens, rabbits, etc. motivated by the fact that in the surrounding forests have significantly increased the number of wild animals. In those the settlements that are located behind Tisza – on its left the shore – people are bored with whole broods of wild boars, as well as foxes, ferrets … But later unpleasant news came from the village Bobovische Mukachevo district, famous for its wonderful the wine. It is spread in a beautiful hollow near the Carpathians. There is paradise and for animals, as there are mountain forests nearby. Close to the district center Mukachevo. Therefore, many villagers work in the city, but the economy hold. And how bean-bearer Ivan Fedak was surprised when in the morning saw in his yard a half dozen strangled rabbits. He then saw this animal looking like a medium sized dog, however the tail is very fluffy, but it is very fast, it rides along trees like a lynx or wild cat.
According to the media
Dog Time Ukraine Chupacabra