Civilized Europeans ate more people than savages natives

Civilized Europeans ate more people than savages nativesA photo from open sources

So who ate Cook?

No, in Europe, of course, cannibalism did not flourish directly sense of the word, however, until the end of the eighteenth century, doctors and pharmacists used exclusively for medical purposes and human meat, and human blood, and many others components derived from deceased or even still living people. Exactly writes about this German weekly Der Spiegel in his last the room.

For example, the publication cites a recipe by Johann Schroeder – a famous seventeenth-century German pharmacologist who recommends chop human meat into small pieces, add aloe to it and myrrh, hold it all for several days in wine alcohol, and then certainly sag. And such drugs, according to Richard Saggu, historian of the british university of durham in sixteenth to eighteenth centuries in Europe also used broadly, like herbs and roots.

A photo from open sources

Mostly, writes a British scientist, blood and various parts of people who have just died, preferably young, by chance dead, so you can only guess how many such “donors” were sent to the other world, say, for money. Though officially only dead bodies were used for this criminals and dead beggars, but who and how could curb human greed and dishonesty? They thrive today what can we say about those dark times. Therefore, in Europe they ate those same Cook hoo how much!

Therapeutic cannibalism

Moreover, therapeutic cannibalism was not even invented by Europeans, back in Ancient Rome, gladiators blood was used to treat epilepsy, and from the Egyptian mummies during the Renaissance made a special powder that was considered an elixir for all diseases. Europeans only adopted this experience, expanded it and deepened it. AND the most ardent advocate of such treatment, according to German weekly, was no one else, but the most famous doctor and alchemist Paracelsus time. It was he who wrote that human fat is the best remedy for arthritis and rheumatism, crushed bones of the skull perfectly stop bleeding, and after tasting flesh and blood prematurely dead, you can add another year to your life, undeveloped by him.

A photo from open sources

And even Pope Innocent VIII in 1492 was treated with the blood of three boys, which is an elderly confessor (shepherd almost half of humanity) drank greedily, although he still doesn’t helped. As the chronicles testify, these donor children died, the bloodthirsty pope, so unwilling to go to a paradise that exclusively all the popes promise their obedient flock.

Have we eliminated cannibalism?

Although in the eighteenth century, healing cannibalism gradually disappears, it is practiced until the beginning of the nineteenth century. One of the last recipes of that time was kept for us by the British preacher John Keof, who died in 1754. In him he recommended to use crushed heart for dizziness human, a pinch on an empty stomach. Ok even today from this misfortune is easy to find a completely harmless medicine in any a pharmacy. But have we completely eliminated cannibalism?

A photo from open sources

An interesting detail: in Nepal, they still procure fat for future use. deceased relatives. It is added to tea with milk, although not in medicinal purposes, and in deference to the deceased, perhaps even in goals of spiritual unity with him. And more: in our civilized world cannibalism is not yet completely gone, now and then in the media and the Internet flash news, which featured victims of cannibalism. Some gourmet perverts are willing to pay big money for the human meat and blood, others commit crimes for this “goodies”, but the fact remains – cannibals live among us. They say that one who has tasted human meat has never able to live without this “dish”.

Time is money

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