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Frequent natural disasters and weather anomalies generated rumors that some countries already possess top-secret climate weapons. And it is these treacherous countries cause weather anomalies in other regions. But is it in fact? It should be noted that the point here is not even climate weapons – for some reason, the majority of inhabitants sure that in any country in the world there are two parallel sciences (and with them – an appropriate set of technologies). One of them, the most the front line is the “military”, which is strictly classified. And the other – “peaceful”, she always lags behind her formidable “sister”, therefore, all the achievements that we owe to her appear in ordinary life later than their counterparts in the military sphere. Some, so believing in this myth, even believe that the “military” science has long discovered the unknown laws of nature, created absolutely breathtaking technologies of the future however from “ordinary people” all this is carefully hidden – just in case. On the in fact, such a view – of course, pure water misconception. Let’s even turn to history – there is not a single example, when military technology would be far ahead of their peaceful namesake. In general, it would be more correct to say that for war and peace in general using the same technologies that emerged from the discovery next laws of nature. Moreover, often peaceful applications are in parallel with the military – at least recall all atomic programs countries with nuclear weapons, because in parallel with missiles and bombs appeared in them as nuclear power plants, and radiation the medicine. Of course, it happens that the technology developed for military purposes, first used for its intended purpose, and then becomes peaceful – for example, the Internet has been secret for a long time way of communication between the military departments, and only after a few years became the “world wide web”, which any owner could enter computer and modem. But there are other examples – the laser is long time was used exclusively for peaceful purposes, and he became a weapon much later. The same thing happened with two years ago installations that generate electromagnetic “rays of pain” – they are nothing do not differ from those in microwave ovens, which mankind has been using for more than a dozen years. Why am I talking about this – and to the fact that it’s rather difficult to imagine a state, owning climate weapons, but completely not using these technology for peaceful purposes. Take the same USA – imagine on the minute that they really have such weapons, and employees Secret services can be caused in other countries by hurricanes, rains, frost and drought at the touch of a button. Presented? Good! A now urgently turn on the logic – why in this case the same specialists cannot prevent annual hurricanes, droughts, rains and everything else in the US itself? After all, from these elemental Disasters are constantly suffering not only ordinary Americans, but also large corporations – some fires in California each year bring billions in losses to them! And not only them – elimination of consequences a heavy burden also falls on the state budget, which is already almost empty. You can reason differently – in history there has not yet been cases when the appearance of a new weapon would be ahead of the existing one by that moment the scientific and technical base. For example, nuclear weapons appeared only when physicists finally figured out how atom is arranged. It is logical to assume that since climate weapons exists, it means some kind (apparently the same “secret”) part of humanity knows almost everything about climate. But why in In this case, the most accurate forecast so far everywhere is what is done the next day, and trust all the longer-term is it possible with great caution? After all, if we knew everything about climate, then then calmly could be with an accuracy of 100 percent to predict the weather for a month and even for a year (after all, nuclear scientists can to predict the decay mechanism of any unstable atom with such accuracy)! So, as you can see, it seems in the question of reality climate weapons we should not be like Dr. Watson, whom Sherlock Holmes rightly pointed out that he “first gives the criminal a very rich imagination, and immediately denies him this property. “However, were there any attempts to create technologies with which you can directionally affect the climate? Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Igor Ostretsov in an interview with the correspondent of “Pravda. Ru” said that what such attempts were – and some of these technologies were developed in the USSR. “From my point of view, rumors about climate weapons are greatly exaggerated, says Igor Nikolaevich. – True, in the 70s of the last century I was able to participate in one research project that could lead to such. We assumed that the Earth’s climate can be controlled by impact on the magnetosphere of our planet. By the way, such projects there were many, but ours was the most effective – we were going to inject very powerful plasma flows into the magnetosphere. These flows would collide with van Allen holding in their belts particles trapped in space, and they would, figuratively speaking, would fall down due to a change in the direction of their velocity vector (from longitudinal to transverse). According to our assumption, after rashes of such particles in the region of the poles of our planet should a strong impact on the local air masses begins, and this, in in turn, it would provoke climate change. However I can say for sure that this project remained only on paper – we did not even begin the first stage of the experiments. AND, probably for the best. So now the only “climate weapons” are factory exhausts going straight into the atmosphere. That is, all unwanted by-products civilization. And I saw how it looked when I flew to China, whose industry still operates mainly on coal – these are rows of high trumpets spewing all sorts of muck into heaven. Of another climatic weapons in the modern world fortunately do not exists. “So, as we see, everything is completely obvious – no climate weapons, besides the one mentioned by Igor Nikolaevich (and which cannot be considered a weapon in the literal sense of this words) does not exist. However, I will not deny that technology people already have effects on the weather – just remember the technique of forced concentration of water vapor in the clouds, popularly known as the technology of “dispersal of clouds.” And sometimes her application by chance may create an effect similar to use Climate weapons – true, not targeted, but random. ABOUT such an episode told the correspondent of “Pravda. Ru” senior Lecturer, Department of Meteorology and Climatology, Geographical Moscow State University, meteorologist Pavel Konstantinov: “There was one case in the mid 90s of the last century – then our specialists signed a contract with one of the countries of the Middle East and as part of of this contract, they were presented with the technology of “decantation” of rain. it the same thing as the notorious “cloud dispersal” – in rain clouds the substance whose crystals serve as condensation nuclei is scattered water vapor, that is, cause rain exactly where it should to spill. And so this country began to successfully precipitate rainfall over its territory, and its neighbors, whose yields depended on the same air masses, not a drop was delivered. As a result, those started crop failures and all this resulted in a real international scandal with a bunch of lawsuits that were presented to us, including. Since then we become more cautious about distributing such technology in the foreign market. ” It can be assumed that cases similar to the one described Pavel Igorevich, it was not enough, but they talk about neither the application some special climate weapons, but about careless using completely peaceful weather management technology. Perhaps it was these situations that gave rise to myths that climate weapons exist. However, this is a difficult question – in Many people are interested in spreading rumors about such weapons. This is beneficial for employees of meteorological departments and rescue services that “missed” another weather disaster, and officials who did not have time to prepare for and organize it evacuation, and finally the military – often myths about non-existent weapons are a good disguise for real secret developments in a completely different area. Well, of course, do not forget that such myths will exist as long as people are in them believe. A mortal blow to these misconceptions can inflict only new studies of the atmosphere and climate that will clarify not only many mysteries of the weather, but also will reveal to people the secrets of functioning all-weather weather “mechanism”. And then the myth of climate weapons will die forever – if only because it appears a real opportunity to create one …
War Time Climate Climate weapon USA