Clinical death experience

Clinical Death ExperienceA photo from open sources

Clinical death experiences in various people have too much in common to ignore them. However doctors and scientists explain it in one way, esoterics in another, and people, clinical death survivors continue to share stories about an amazing and mixed experience, making us think about the most important questions of life: “Who am I?”, “What will happen after death?” and “What is the meaning of life?” Clinical death in terms Medical science is the last reversible stage of dying. The reversible stage means that at this stage it is still possible to return dying person to life using special techniques the resumption of the functions that support life in the body, and this is, first of all, breathing and blood circulation. Further fading of these functions leads to the biological death of the body, and resuscitation is already not possible. The term “clinical death” appeared relatively recently, around the 60s of the last century and its appearance associated with the rapid development of resuscitation technologies. Before of this moment, to introduce such a term simply did not make sense, according to the reason that before doctors did not have the means and capabilities save people in this state. Clinical death lasts in an average of 3 to 5 minutes, although in different conditions and circumstances, this time can stretch to several tens of minutes. During this time, a person (consciousness, soul), as a rule, moves through the tunnel with a bright light in front, can have time to talk with God or other creatures, and sometimes experiencing a long life in another world, including going to hell. Now a lot interesting stories about clinical death, and they are becoming more. Clinical death video I suggest watching video on this topic, where a young guy tells his case, who completely changed his whole life. Some scholars claim that all these visions and experiences do not occur during clinical death, but immediately before or immediately after it when the brain is functioning. They believe that consciousness is inseparable from the human body, therefore, when the brain is not supplied necessary substances, perceptions can not be any. it a typical atheistic point of view, denying the existence of the soul, that is, consciousness that exists independently of the body. Because scientists cannot scientifically prove the existence of the soul (no suitable instruments), they tend to deny its presence. That is, from their point view “after death there is nothing – we live once.” Point of view esoteric on clinical death is more optimistic. Soul is separated from the body, and this is normal because it does not is part of it. That is, consciousness is primary, and the physical body – again. The soul can be aware (perceive, experience) regardless of whether the brain is functioning or not. Scientists often believe that the brain and the mind are one and the same thing, however esoteric says these are also different things. The brain is a kind of biological mechanical switch through which the mind controls the body. The mind, like the soul, can exist and function independently of the brain. Esoteric concept about the subtle structure of man is confirmed by most stories people who have been at the time of clinical death in the so-called afterlife. After clinical death. Remarkably, many people after their clinical deaths change their outlook on life. Many of them become believers, begin to engage in spiritual practice, be interested in esoterics, their thinking and behavior patterns are changing for the better. It is noted their relatives, relatives and people around. And it is very doubtful that the reason for this is the banal hallucinations of an agonizing brain, as scientists and doctors say. More like a man gets real spiritual experience. However, neither prove nor to refute this is not yet possible. We can only read stories other people and draw their own conclusions.

Life time

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