A photo from open sources
Chinese scientists have developed a program that defines biological, the most “real” age of a person, not specified in passport, but significantly affecting the general condition of the body.
The program analyzes a three-dimensional image of faces, allowing determine how much in reality people are younger or older his age. Researchers say facial features over time change: the nose, for example, becomes wider, the forehead narrows, the distance between the upper lip and the tip of the nose increases. Moreover, human physiology never lies, and no matter how much we tried to hide our true age, our face always us gives out.
332 Chinese scientists participated in an experiment person of various sex and age. 3dMDface camera created with the purpose of obtaining a three-dimensional image, fixed on faces test subjects the smallest details, elusive to the human eye. Having processed the data, experts came to the conclusion that up to 40 years, people very often look 6 years older or younger. And those, to whom the fifth decade has already gone, and sometimes it’s completely not at all correspond to their calendar age.
This program will help scientists learn the mechanism of aging, and, may answer the question of how to avoid premature arrival old age. Its use will be appropriate in medicine: doctors, taking into attention the biological age of the patient will be able to appoint him treatment in accordance with the state of his body.
But this program can bring even greater benefit to those who engages in a healthy lifestyle, or at least starts think about it … and not wait for the genetic body mutations))