Conspiracy Theory: A Link between Hurricane Erin and Tragedy 11 September

“I entered in the morgue magazine finds – a tooth, a hand or something. Neither there were never any personal items – watches, wallets or jewelry. There were completely gray-black debris. Personally, I neither I have never seen a fragment that could definitely be say he’s from a desk, chair or phone. “From the testimony Patricia Ondrovich, doctor from the emergency response team situations. Personally, to me that day (it was evening in Russia then) happened to learn about the fire and the collapse of the twin towers from a straight line Broadcast CNN. Terror in the light of day, at gunpoint of hundreds lenses. Burning alive and breaking up into small pieces. Such the world has never seen a global reality show. Twelve years later browsing through hundreds of unedited and remounted private videos, reading eyewitness polls, I find myself again and again on sensation: this mass execution, which was broadcast to the whole world, had to say a lot, above all, to the “elites” states whose “eyes and ears” are interacting among themselves special services. It was a demonstration of a new weapon system. mass destruction. And an unobtrusive recommendation to obey the new “game rules.” Conspiracy Theory: A Link between Hurricane Erin and the September 11 TragedyPhotos from open sources Information about what happened on “attacked” objects more than 90% came from American MEDIA. Therefore, it could initially contain misinformation and “false targets”. Sort fakes and misinformation from real events is often quite difficult, especially when a particular person has already developed “as if his own” perception of these “attacks”. And many are held captive by the “vaccinated” im illusions. Hundreds of people locked on the upper floors, stripped and clumped out of narrow windows, as if it would be unbearably hot inside (in the worst case there smoke). More than 200 people rushed down. Pete Santilli believes that some kind of (microwave?) radiation spread inside the buildings, causing a sensation of unbearable heat, driving people crazy and made to throw down. Photos from open sources An important tool for identifying facts, hushed up in the media, is a complete chronology of events 11 September, teeming with striking details and links to numerous sources. Its main feature: it describes striking “matches”, technical failures, violation of instructions and protocols, and apparent contradictions (between the official version special commissions and government and hidden facts). Photos from open sources Preserved and quite a lot of evidence direct witnesses and participants in those events. These two parts are devoted to listing various kinds of little-known facts, observations and “oddities” and brief comments on them. I guess start reviewing the “uncomfortable” details of the September 11 events You can with a brief retelling of the story of one of the witnesses. Indications of Patricia Ondrovich Patricia Ondrovich (PatriciaOndrovic), emergency response team doctor (VOICE); 8th battalion, badge No. 1634. Fragments of a special interview WTCTaskForce Group of October 11, 2001; Dossier No. 9110048. By According to Patricia, this group (in the amount of 4-5 employees of the FBI and police) was the only official body to take from her testimony for 5 years. Text adapted for readability and supplemented with some details from an interview with Patricia website Killtown, dated February 10, 2006. Together with others GLAS officers arrived at the WTC when both towers were burning. Earlier Patricia worked in Times Square, and therefore there was little familiar with the site of the shopping center. In accordance with her procedure the brigade was to wait for the arrival of the wounded and transport them to a particular medical center. Leaving the company car on Vesey Street, doctors moved to rescue groups opposite the Tex-Mex restaurant. There they met a friend of Patricia the captain of the police, who “was in complete horror, he was shaking, he He was pale and sweaty. He said that he still flies in our direction one plane, and that the Pentagon has just been blown up. It is happened 3-5 minutes before the South Tower collapsed. Photos from open sources Photos from open sources [Captain ordered: all groups to collect your property and return to company vehicles. I remembered the phrase “just get ready to wipe.” Retrospectively to me it seemed strange coincidence that the rescuers were ordered to be ready to leave this zone a few minutes before the collapse of the tower. Like the fact that everyone was gathered there for a while, and then ordered to be ready to get out of there.] My partner and I took our stretchers, and headed to his car, but here in the lobby an explosion occurred behind us and the earth shook. Us with a partner scattered in different directions, and the more I did not see him that day. I I ran along the street, and in front of the corner was some kind of government building, [and there were four or six outside police officers in a gray-green uniform (sic)]. I almost ran into foyer [WTC building No. 6], but there was smoke everywhere, debris, everything around flew. [It seems that the police outfit was specially set up there, so that no one can enter the lobby.] They shouted to everyone: get out of here, you can’t go there, go out! Where to run? – explosions around! [I was about to run on, but at that moment I noticed a series of about six flashes under the lobby ceiling. These flashes were alternating and accompanied by claps. I immediately had the impression that these were charges with an adjustable explosion delay. I I also thought that they were probably laid by the same organization, which tried to blow this building back in 1993. ] View of Vizi Street in west direction, towards the collapsed building number 7. On right: Burnt Out Cars (Lower Manhattan). Noteworthy important detail: the glass and windows of the surrounding buildings are intact. If the cause of the fire was the debris flying with a large speed, then there would be a lot of broken glasses. However, for radiation, going strictly from the zenith everything that stood on the street was “under sight. “I ran westward and passed the intersection of Visy Street with the West Side Highway, [5] and then exploded the car at this intersection. I think it hit me the door that flew away from her. My jacket caught fire from this explosion legs and hair. After a couple of minutes I got five centimeters burned hair, and the jacket was all on fire. So these are not protective jackets, but jackets in order to burn! Photos from open sources I ran to North Park, and next 3 more cars exploded. They were not near the buildings, but simply parked on the street. They exploded randomly, and no I did not see any special signs on them. [I don’t know why they exploded. I did not feel any special heat. ] I got fragments of what flew out of them. I came home all bruised, but, glory God only bruised. The street beneath my feet shook as if it was an earthquake (I was already worried earthquakes, and I know what it is). I saw my way rushing stream of people: firefighters, policemen, doctors. I did not see, from which they run away, but decided that it is better to be ahead of this stream and just rushed to the west, towards the river. Very fast we were covered by a large black cloud. I ran through the park, on the sides cars continued to explode. I didn’t look back because nothing it was not visible, there was a solid black around. I ran and fell bumping into people who crawled on the ground without seeing anything. IN the northern part of the park a little appeared visibility, and I became look at the sky: after all, the police captain said that in our direction another plane flies. And I saw two planes left and right, and in the center between them was another plane – very far away, probably over a jersey or something like that. And then he was gone. I saw a little a ball of fire, and he was gone. The plane turned into a fireball and disappeared. The other two aircraft completed a turn, and left for opposite sides. I ran further north. [At about 10 quarters from the WTC, I saw the car of our service, and] quarters at 15 saw one more, and recognized Jose Perez and Joseph Valdivia (he used to be my partner). I told them what happened; that the command center was destroyed, and said: in no case should to go there. I asked them to go towards Westchester, north. Photos from open sources A service lieutenant approached us emergency room Bobby Dillion and said we should go south (until the third quarter from the WTC). We told him, “you are crazy; the focal point is destroyed, everyone is dead there, “but he continued repeating “go there.” I told him what I saw there, but he didn’t want to hear anything. Then in my chest arose sharp pain, and I began to choke. While I was running, I kept inhaled this black muck, and now began to clear her throat with something like black mucus. The more I coughed, the stronger I got chest pain. In addition, the left arm and the whole left began to hurt half body. Lieutenant Hanlon came up and asked if I was alright. I said that my chest hurts and that I need to go to the hospital. I was taken to St. Vincent’s hospital. They gave me oxygen mask and then laid on a stretcher in our ambulance. Then I still did not understand what had happened. I only remember that, when I ran, someone shouted over the radio: “SOS! SOS! Me blocked! “- and then there was … such a loud itchy sound, and after that, for about 20-30 minutes there was silence on the air. Then connection recovered, and the first message was that the North Tower tilted. Five minutes after this message (and we then drove off [from the hospital]) we saw the second tower fall at 20 blocks away from us. Jose and I yelled to the driver: “Drive!” And while we We drove, debris pounded on the back door of the ambulance. And I she thought: what happened to all those who obeyed lieutenant and returned there? [I lost many colleagues], and stopped count how much when it comes to the number 60. Photos from open sources Photos from open sources The rest of the day I spent in the hospital of St. Vincent spent [three] days on sick leave. I could not sleep I had nightmares. For about three weeks I could not eat normally. Then I went to see an intern, because in the middle of the street I have asthma attacks have begun; I could not breathe. It has become one of reasons for my early dismissal. I got two broken ribs, but I realized this only a few days later. Some for months I had a “WTC cough”; it was extremely “getting” dry cough without expectoration, which was more like for cramping than coughing. Wake up because of this cough in the middle of the night and sometimes you almost lose consciousness from the fact that you can’t translate spirit. Thank God, he passed over time. [I returned to the place where was the WTC three days later. Our posts participated in the collection materials and data for morgues, as well as in case someone hurt while working among the ruins. I logged in the morgue finds – tooth, arm or something like that. There have never been any personal items – watches, wallets or jewelry. Were all gray-black wreckage. Personally, I have never seen a single fragment, according to which it would definitely be possible to say that he is from the table, chair or phone.] Photos from open sources Shell-shocked, crippled and dumbfounded in the “citadel of freedom.” Unusual carcinogenic dust in the coming years will kill more than 900 rescuers and an unknown number of civilians. Right: Rare finds of at least verbal determination and send for DNA examination. At least something left of someone dear to someone, and there is something to bury … (Photo by ToddMaisel and other photographers) No one understood the essence of what was happening. Those who was at a safe distance, wept. People and lifeguards waited for the passage of an unusual “cloud” that completely eclipsed the light of the sun, wandered through the streets, kicking up clubs microscopic dust. But the whole of Lower Manhattan was strewn whole and torn sheets of documents and papers from the WTC. Who and why Hurricane Erin Hid? In 2006, an ex-professor of Technology institute Virginia and mechanical engineer, Judy Wood (Dr. Judy Wood; [email protected]) [9] in voluminous and rich picture book “Where did the towers go?” (544 page format A4) compared and analyzed numerous but little-known facts and evidence relating to events that took place in New York September 11, 2001. And she considered how recorded destruction, and the various accompanying them physical phenomena. Dr. Wood analyzed over 40,000 photos, hundreds of videos, as well as a large amount testimony, numerous research data dust samples, seismograms and general meteorological / geophysical the setting. At the beginning of her book, she writes: “This is a crime should be disclosed through a forensic investigation. But before identifying the perpetrators of the crime, it is necessary determine what was committed and how. Disclosure order crime provides for the establishment of: 1) What exactly happened to the WTC; 2) With the help of which such results were achieved (which destruction systems were used and what is their physics actions); 3) Who is behind all this (who are the real performers and customers); 4) Why were attacks on the United States made (i.e. what are motives and what constitutes a plan of which these “attacks” are part were) “. In a situation where” each sandpiper praises its swamp, “and verbal battles between supporters of different versions and interpretations grow into squabbles with insults, I also prefer to highlight that weak useful signal that almost no one pays attention. I managed to find some other materials authors on the subject of Dr. Wood. Professor Steve Dutch (SteveDutch) [email protected] (UniversityofWisconsin-GreenBay) on several pages of his site sarcastically comments on individual shots from Wood’s book, however, completely bypasses the rest of the graphic materials and flashy facts. From an interview with insider Dean Warwick (DeanWarwick) follows that part of the facts that Judy covers Wood, could have been borrowed from her (so what of this?). IN for the rest, many sites (and almost all media) are silent The facts compiled and presented by Dr. Wood. And if they are mentioned, then “from the doorway” declare them nonsense and malicious misinformation. It is also characteristic that both conspiracy theories and researchers of the “second echelon “are cautiously interested in both its materials and experiments John Hutchison. Incidentally, the Pentagon’s true attitude towards what the experimenter John Hutchison does (on the results of experiments which is repeatedly referred to by Dr. Wood) is well manifested in correspondence between Hutchison and (presumably) anti-gravity worker Tim Ventura, who enters the offices of American military – on the topic of “employment (Hutchison) in the Pentagon” (dated August 2006). See below in the section on this. dedicated to Hutchison. So, let’s move on to the first fact, especially distinguished by Dr. Judy Wood and giving some insight about the scale and physical nature of the events that took place 11 September 2001 To start, let’s ask two questions. Question 1: What do the media do when the largest financial center and metropolis category III-V hurricane approaching? Answer: Shout about it. vying, savor various details during live streams, delve into predictions and replicate the most dramatic episodes and video frames. Question 2: Why are few ordinary people New York and Earth heard of a hurricane named Erin, looming in a straight line to New York from the most Bahamian islands? After all, by September 11, 2001, he was larger than Katrina in August 2005, and was supposed to “hit” New York in the evening of 11 – morning of September 12th. Compare space images and typical maps with Weather forecast for September 11, 2001 (see below). By inexplicable the reason the meteorologists and “newsmen” hid “event number 1” and deprived themselves of the “professional holiday”. Audio recordings of several weather forecasts sounded a couple of hours before the “attacks” are given in the radio show Pete Santilli “The most dangerous weapon in history of humanity “(Mark 29: 50-34: 00). Left: Typical maps Weather forecast for September 11, 2001 (under the mark “Reported”). A hurricane approaching the US coast is absent. IN center: The actual position of the hurricane is shown on the same maps with preservation of its visible dimensions (under the mark “Actual”) (by materials compiled by J. Wood). Right: Extremely atypical trajectory. Hurricane Erin’s movements in the first half of September 2001 with indicating its power. Detailed official data about him listed on the NOAA website. Photos from open sources Photos from open sources Until September 11, Hurricane Erin (huge funnel-shaped low-pressure area) moved east the coast of the USA. Toward him, the high-pressure region shifted and warm air, “pushed” by the Elephant cyclone, swept a significant portion of Canada and the north of the United States. Eastern Pictures Atlantic from space, dated September 11, 2001 (left – general plan.). Right: more detailed images of Erin and East. the coast. In a callout in the center – a train of smoke from the destroyed towers World Trade Center in New York. It’s clear that the hurricane is already affects the direction of the coastal wind. Photos from open sources Photo from open sources A few years after “terrorist attacks” it turned out that, unlike meteorologists and the media US military and scientists have given Erin the closest Attention. From August 16 to September 24, 2001, the United States held CAMEX-4, the so-called IV-th experiment to study convection and humidity (Convection And Moisture EXperiment). It was attended by 5 NASA Centers, 10 American Universities, and the National US Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The initiator of the experiment was the Navy base in Jacksonville, PCS. Florida. As explained in one of the notes on the site, Erin was used in an ‘experiment on improved trajectory traceability and intensity prediction [hurricanes]; [… Similar] studies […] provide more complete an understanding of how hurricanes change their strength, ” noted in the article. That is, with this “unknown” hurricane, threatening New York (or rather, just three coastal states) carried out some experiments on the eve and during the “September events. “The fact that military-scientific organizations have long been working in the field of weather control and climate weapons, it is known good enough. In any case, the UN Convention on the Prohibition of technologies for environmental change in the military or hostile goals was approved by the General Assembly as early as December 10, 1976 years (C.N.263.1978.TREATIES-12). Notify the population, if not to begin his evacuation to meteorologists and the government was not enough time. But the special aviation, radars, research vessels and scientific centers. But none of the “civilians” knew about this … Explicit deviation from the “protocol”, which is difficult to understand clearly. IN the result is silence. Left: Map of the geomagnetic field (from Wikimedia). Right: In the latitude of the Bahamas, Hurricane Erin is partially dispersed, then re-formed, and began a 4-day movement in side of New York along the contour with a value of -15 (highlighted in orange). (From J. Wood’s book “Where did the towers go?”). Photos from open sources Photos from open sources Following the example of J. Wood and consider the trajectory of Hurricane Erin. September 1-6 the center of the hurricane shifted towards Cuba. Then (in about 20 hours) he turned 90 degrees to the right and began to lose strength. This was followed by a sharp turn 100 degrees to the left; atmospheric the whirlwind was reshaped and headed toward the coast. (Similar the hurricane trajectory is atypical for the Atlantic.) After that for 3.5 days, Hurricane Erin moved northwest, right to New York State, but at about 15:00 on September 11 (two or three later hours after the destruction of the twin towers) he suddenly weakened, made an incomprehensible turn of 150 degrees and moved for a day strictly east, away from the coast. Finally erin again deviated by 60 degrees and went north-east, to the Atlantic. Behind In less than four days this enormous atmospheric whirlwind has overcome more than 1500 km. First, in the Bermuda region, he gained strength a hurricane. Then, on her way to New York, Erin dispersed her wind to speeds of 195 km / h. In the open ocean, this hurricane was not marked any serious destruction or casualties, because practically did not touch anything. Some specialized sites and Wikipedia also note that 11 September (at the time of turning east) Erin was significantly weakened. Let us remember this important circumstance: it turns out that the kinetic and electromagnetic energy of the hurricane vortex were on something spent. This is one of many “coincidences” and puzzles, took place on the day of the “attacks”. Question 3: What should have been to occur with the threat of such a blow to the elements in a normal situation? Answer: The authorities should have been using the media, local and federal authorities to provide notification and evacuation of relevant areas, and consider enhancing coastal security measures – up to the imposition of a state of emergency. To New York would flock hundreds of film crews in order to capture and highlight the impending Hurricane. However, apparently, the scenario did not provide for unnecessary the excitement and evacuation of the townspeople (was it designed for surprise?). Most likely, this is why the information about the “elephant in the room” itself primitively concealed from most of the population. Of course, meteorologists, “newsmen” and NASA representatives knew what was happening, but kept quiet. It is not surprising that we also know about this hurricane. few. From the above it follows that New York was on the junction of two contrasting atmospheric formations. Closest to him the “object” possessed tremendous kinetic energy and had electromagnetic nature. To familiarize yourself with tropical physics hurricanes, as well as the mechanism and “anomalies” of the tornado, I am sending the reader to a serious scientific article by a prominent scientist and popularizer science, professor Vladimir Ivanovich Merkulov (Institute Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk [email protected]). She called “Electrogravidynamic model of UFO, tornado and tropical hurricane “(1998). The air in it is described through electrogravidynamics vacuum domains. We will come back to this work. I also recommend watch a video in which using vertical microwave beams create a rather expressive vortex (micro-tornado; with mark 3:15). Using a Standing Tornado some scientists want to provide energy to a city with a population in 500,000 people. But some at the same time are looking for a way to direct the energy of an artificial tornado to destroy cities … Well, and fantasize about how and with what “coils” kinetic and potential energy of the vortex an “electromagnetic” hurricane may be “disposed of” or redirected from its periphery (on earth or in outer space) somewhere else, also will not be superfluous.

Compilation, translation: SisterMercy

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