A photo from open sources
Well-known in narrow circles Nizhny Tagil blogger and conspiracy theorist Valentin Degterev, intensely interested in the mystery of death Dyatlov tourist group in the Northern Urals on the night of February 2, 1959, made another interesting statement. According to the researcher, he unexpectedly found several “flying saucers” in the frames, made by dyatlovtsy with the help of a camera FED and found after mysterious death of travelers.
A photo from open sources
According to the sources of the author of the find, in an unsolved criminal case about the death of the tourist group there are many references to unidentified flying objects. The prosecutor’s office, they say, received several messages from USSR State Security Committee. Several job titles persons, including one soldier, told investigators that that during the period from January to March 1959 over Mount Holutchahl repeatedly noticed mysterious large balls flying in the sky. Search engines heading for the now infamous pass, and did make an official request about whether they fell in the region large asteroids and meteorites. They clearly observed a UFO and something was suspected of that sort.
A photo from open sources
Many World Wide Web users laughed Valentine, stating that the conspiracy theorist extends for the alleged aircraft Aliens are common defects on an old film. Degterev, however less adamant in his conviction that Dyatlovites could fall into “den of unidentified flying saucers.” Our compatriot claims that many of these “film defects” are suspicious look like metal balls and cylinders. Tagilchan is very surprised that no one had previously found these anomalies in famous photographs Dyatlovites. Maybe here we are talking about some sort of conspiracy of silence?
Dyatlov Pass