A photo from open sources
It would seem that nothing will surprise the public after it turned out that many people believe in the plane of the earth. Nonetheless, recently an equally ridiculous idea was born that will make you still doubt more of human sanity.
Now, some conspiracy theorists and other “truth seekers” argue that a continent and state like Australia doesn’t exist. In their opinion, this is a kind of “smoke screen”, created by Great Britain and accidentally changing the world a story.
Australia is known for its desert inland areas. Outback, as well as unique fauna and culture. All major Australian cities are located on the coast. The population of this countries, according to official figures, is just over 24 million people. The continent is washed by the Indian and Pacific Oceans. But what if all this is a big lie?
To our knowledge, a bizarre theory of nonexistent Australia arose in Western social media last March years and quickly acquired a huge number of supporters. IN “Reddit”, “Facebook” and other social networks began to appear messages that the powers that be are hiding the truth from us regarding of this state in the southern hemisphere, occupying the same name mainland and several islands.
Arguments of conspiracy theorists
Conspirologists write that Australia was invented in the 18th century with the aim of influence public opinion and shield Britain. It is believed that between 1788 and 1868 the British the government sent to Australian colonies more than 162 thousand prisoners.
However, supporters of the newly conspiracy theory are convinced that criminals sentenced to hard labor, among whom were 80% men and 20% of women were killed instead. They say sent to a completely different place, where they simply executed. If this is true, then this is one of the most the massive and inventive harboring of massacre in stories.
But what about modern Australia? She doesn’t exist either you ask? Seekers of Truth answer this question in the affirmative. If you believe them, the so-called “Australians” live on various islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans or even somewhere in South America. And if you are planning to fly to “kangaroo country”, then the airlines also involved, they say, in such a conspiracy will certainly take you there.
Of course, the history of mankind is written and rewritten, agree for example, independent scholars of the past, and much that we pretended to be undeniable truth in fact – a lie. Theory about non-existent Australia in this case another monstrous historical and geographical provocation, of which there were many before birth of Christ, and after. And if the strength of this world will suddenly be such a provocation is beneficial – they will accept it, and rewrite textbooks, and convince society that white is actually black, and vice versa. It’s so easy to manipulate people’s consciousness, and especially today in the century information boom …
Australia UK