Conspirologists talked about an analogue of the Bolshoi Hadron Collider in Antarctica

Conspirologists talked about an analogue of the Large Hadron Collider in AntarcticaA photo from open sources

Antarctica remains a great mystery to most earthlings, to solve which, according to many, mankind will still not succeed soon. However, conspiracy theorists adhere to a slightly different point view on this subject, because they believe that the icy continent keeps secret only for the general public, but not for the strong of this world, for example, the Illuminati.

Thanks to Strava’s unique fitness app today track the movement of smartphone users via GPS (Global Positioning Systems). So, if you follow the movement people in the most secret places of our planet, you can be surprised discover amazing things. For example, in Antarctica under the ice there is a mysterious structure like the Large Hadron CERN collider, that’s just many times larger – and people with mobile devices scurry around him (or whoever can be?), thanks to which the conspiracy theorists and “figured out” this ice (or even underground) construction of the Antarctic. Fact is how it turned out google satellite services are blocking the opportunity consider it (in contrast, for example, from no less mysterious man-made pyramids of this continent, which allows us to judge great secrecy of this building). At least to the author The Rabbit Hole blog failed to do it, no matter how tried …

A photo from open sources

But if under the ice of Antarctica a gigantic “microwave”, then the observables become clear MIMIC anomalies, which are reduced to the source of their occurrence – ice continent of the south pole. Therefore, the channel of Mr. DAHBOO77, which pays so much attention to these anomalies, may finally pleased to inform their users – their reason found. True, this is almost no consolation. Rather, the opposite …

Assume that the Antarctic collider was created by earthlings, so huge, with frost minus 130 degrees Fahrenheit, under the inconceivable thickness of ice is simply inconceivable. Then who and, most importantly, when? Most likely, in ancient times and not human hands a business. But why is this ancient collider still functioning, and mysterious workers scurry around him (who they are, is unknown) with cell phones? Just fantastic, and nothing more!

But even more surprising (at least the channel claims this Mr. DAHBOO77) that this giant microwave creates emissions that cause earthquakes and weather anomalies last time. Has anyone turned on this collider for the purpose the destruction of our planet, or rather, the existing civilization on her? It is this question that conspiracy theorists are now asking and other supporters of the world conspiracy …

Hadron Collider Antarctica

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