Credible Facts That Are Hard to believe

A photo from open sources

In this world, a lot of strange things happen, and immediately believe in the reality of some stories is almost impossible. Just such stories are real journalistic luck a calm life can never be the subject of a news story. We offer our readers a small selection of such short and amazing facts.

1. In the event of the death of a Google employee, his or her spouse spouse receive half salary for 10 years, and their children a benefit of $ 1,000 per month is paid before reaching age 19 years.

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2. To become the driver of the famous London taxi “black cab “, you need to know more than 25 thousand roads and location 50 thousand attractions, and also pass a special test under titled “theKnowledge.” To pass the exam candidates usually It takes twelve attempts and about 34 months of preparation.

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3. At the end of the Vietnam War, the crew of the US military the ship “Midway” pushed overboard helicopters worth 10 million dollars so that the Cessna plane with evacuated people could land on his deck.

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4. Paul Kern was a Hungarian soldier injured in 1915 during one of the battles of the first world war. Russian bullet a soldier hit him in the head and destroyed part of the frontal lobe brain. However, she did not kill Kern, but instead robbed his ability to sleep. He continued to live a full life, completely without needing a dream.

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5. In the African country of Lesotho, there is a runway, where the airplanes accelerate and then fall off the cliff and fall to until they reach enough speed to fly.

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6. New Zealand trucker fell on high air valve pressure. He pierced the left buttock and pumped the poor fellow air in doubling it in volume and nearly killing it. The driver survived however, it took him three days to get rid of the surplus air by emitting gases.

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7. Indian housewives own 11% of the world’s gold reserves. it more than reserves of the USA, IMF, Switzerland and Germany together taken.

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8. September 11 after the collapse of both towers of the World Trade Center in New York, several fighter jets were airborne without combat equipment to prevent the attacks of the stolen terrorists planes for other purposes. At the same time, the pilots received the order to go ram the hijacked planes and destroy in this way own cars, at the last moment using the system bailouts.

bigpreview_Two Air Education Training (AET) F-22 Raptor from Tyndall Air Force Base, fly in trail behind a KC-135R StratotankerA photo from open sources

9. The farthest sniper shot in history was fired with distances of 2475 meters by British cavalry corporal Craig Harrison in 2009. His bullet flew to the target for more than 6 seconds.

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10. In 1995, someone dropped an old 600-year-old plaster Buddha figure. As a result, it turned out that the layer of gypsum hid under a whole golden figurine.

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11. In 1982, a man entered Buckingham Palace and spent half an hour there eating cheddar cheese found and pacing around palace chambers. The alarm systems have never worked, so how were faulty. He examined royal portraits and rested on the throne for a while. Then the attacker drank half a bottle of wine, got tired and left the palace.

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12. Initially, McDonald’s is a real estate company. “We We are engaged in real estate operations. The only reason for which we sell hamburgers – they best generate revenue, which allows our tenants to pay rent, “said company founder Harry Sonnenborn

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13. After hitting his head against the bottom of the swimming pool, someone Derek Amato from Colorado woke up and found himself extraordinary talent. He manifested the so-called savant syndrome – a rare a state of the brain in which it begins to act like that called the “island of genius.” It later became outstanding pianist without taking a single music lesson.

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14. Portugal decriminalized all drugs for eleven years back and since then the number of drug addicts has halved. In the country drug addiction is not considered a crime but a problem health care.

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15. There is a computer application containing information about all inhabitants of Iceland since the eighteenth century. Because the the country’s population is very small and is only about 320 thousand, this program can be used to prevent sexual relations between relatives. For this it is necessary just enter both names of lovers in it.

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