Creepy ice figure photographed

A creepy ice figure photographedPhotos from open sources of

As you know, pareidolia is an optical illusion, which consists in the formation of various acquaintances in a person images based on random environmental details reality. Surely each of us at least once in a lifetime noticed a cloud similar to some kind of animal, or stains on a wall that clearly resembles a tree, building, car, or something yet.

One of the best known examples of a para-idol illusion is the Face of Mars photographed on the Red Planet in 1976 year by the American spacecraft Viking-1. Afterwards it turned out that no stone statue resembling a human face, not there, but an ordinary weathered hill, which from other angles did not show anything notable.

Another interesting example is the Moon Bunny, formed by the dark spots on the surface of the moon. In appearance it is really a silhouette of a hare or a rabbit with a mortar and pestle. It has long been known about him – in folklore of many peoples there is a legend about a giant hare living on the moon.

Some of these illusions can look truly frightening. So, a few days ago in the “World Wide Web” appeared unusual photo taken by an anonymous user near the window old peeling house. The picture shows a large cluster icy stalactites on the wall, clearly reminiscent of a human figure. You can see the head, torso, legs and lying on windowsill arm. Some of the icicles even look like clothes hanging down from the back of the “ice man”.

A photo from open sources

The author of the original publication signed the image: “Let her in.” Apparently, he considers this figure to be something like snow woman and recommends that the owner of the house invite a stranger to to myself.

Many regulars on the Internet found this image sinister and even creepy. “It feels like it looks right inside,” notes one of the commentators. “Imagine you wake up at night, look at the window and see a human silhouette behind it. So you can get a heart attack, “another echoes.” Snow Maiden already not that “, – summarizes the third …

Illusions Moon

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