Crimea has opened its friendly embrace french guests

Crimea opened its friendly arms to French guestsA photo from open sources

French deputies who ended their visit to Crimea yesterday, putting an end to this friendship with Crimeans in the hero city Sevastopol, were pleasantly surprised by what they saw on peninsula.

There is a lot of speculation about the reunification of Crimea with Russia members of the delegation admitted, information in Europe is basically only negative. However, in reality, we saw a completely different picture: Crimea lives a peaceful and happy life. And communication with ordinary people was the best evidence that the will of the Crimeans about their reunion with their ancestral homeland was sincere and universal.

The delegation of France was also struck by a visit to the French military cemeteries in Crimea, which is considered one of the largest burials of their compatriots outside the homeland. According to parliamentarians, the embassy assured them that this memorial the complex is in very poor condition and is about to be given to development either private or even public Russian companies. In fact, the French patriots saw that the cemetery is in perfect condition, which is why almost wept.

A photo from open sources

And so in almost everything: not a single statement by the Western media consistent with the real situation in Crimea. In two days, says Deputy Thierry Mariani, we saw a lot. But what struck us all more – this is the difference between what we hear about Crimea and Russia in France, and what they saw here on the spot. We will try to convey a real picture of an amazingly happy life on the peninsula where reign peace, love and joy, to the French people and all inhabitants EU countries. And we call on the entire world community to lift sanctions against Russia because of the Crimea.

In conclusion, we note that the French parliamentarians arrived in Crimea, despite the pressure and even threats from its own authorities and the leadership of the European Union. Arrived, looked and were very pleased with this visit. And especially with how warm and Crimeans greeted them cordially.

Life Crimea Russia

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