Crow’s funeral: what are they telling us

Crow's funeral: what are they telling usPhotos from open sources of

For some reason, modern man endowed himself with the supreme and only reason on Earth, forgetting the simple truth known even by the most ancient to the sages: in this world, everything is reasonable. Even stones, even the works of human hands are reasonable.

For example, it has long been noticed that clothes, shoes are faster wears out, that is, prematurely “dies” if a person treats her with disdain and without due respect and love. AND let the skeptics — materialists say anything, for example, “everything depends on leaving “; observe for yourself things – and you will notice how they are full of full intelligent life.

What can we say about truly (visually) living beings, many of which demonstrate aerobatics intelligence. For example, elephants, dolphins and primates are well aware of what the death of their relative and they know how to bury the “deceased”. Why not, if paranormal researchers claim that Ghosts are not only people, but also animals, birds and even non-living objects from our point of view, for example, machines? It turns out all these living and inanimate objects of our world have a soul, which means that die just like people.

A photo from open sources

For example, crow’s funerals perfectly demonstrate that even the birds understand what death is, and therefore “see off” their a congener to another world with all the honors due to the deceased. Birds, of course, do it a little differently than people, but obviously mourn the deceased relative and try to help his soul find peace in the afterlife.

This is the conclusion reached by raven funeral researchers John Marzlaff and Kaeli Swift from the University of Washington. Group of biologists under the leadership of these scientists for several years studied this question made it seemingly fantastic conclusion: crows understand well not only what death is, but apparently have an idea about the afterlife of their relatives. A therefore, they conduct real rituals of “mourning” the dead, contributing, presumably, to a more harmonious transition of the soul birds from this world to the world of subtle matters.

A photo from open sources

Crows are generally considered the smartest birds that demonstrate not only worldly ingenuity, cunning, but even purely “human qualities”, for example, can amuse, joke, to play other animals (see the video below about this), show reckless courage and much more. Bury like us see, they also know how, and obviously, they know something about the afterlife, otherwise they would not have arranged funeral rituals (no worse than human ones). Maybe they are inherent in religious beliefs? It is possible …

Bird Life

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