Photos from open sources
In 1910 Jacques Foret, major of the French army, found the treasure truly priceless – both in purely monetary terms and in artistic and historical. These treasures once belonged the founder of Quebec – the legendary Samuel Champlain, who in 1627 hid them on the sandy coast near Mill Bay. A year later, the governor of New France Samuel Champlain suspended and left his authority to Marseille, to his homeland. He returned in 1633, in order to continue the reign, as well as to take away their good, which they obtained very dangerous work. However, no matter how he tried to lift the chests, fettered by iron, he could not do this.
Later, talking about this event, Champlain said that saw the shiny lids of the chests, but the water came so hard that it could not be scooped up. At the same time, unsteady sand did not give people harden and stand on the loose edges of the pit. Sand shifted and sang. Frightened by sinister visions, superstitious soldiers simply cowardly fled.
Governor Pirate
Samuel Champlain died in 1635, failing to raise his treasure. But what were these treasures? The answer can be found in “The Chronicles of the Formation of Canada”, which were published in the middle of the 19th century.
… Champlain vainly awaited the means promised by the king of France, necessary for the maintenance of the garrison, the development of crafts and others the needs of the Quebec colonists. In the end, he decided to go in for pirate and began to attack the British and Spaniards. When a few the rooms in his house were literally littered with gold, diamonds, pearls and jewelery, Champlain ceased his raids.
A photo from open sources
As you can see, then the robbery was not considered reprehensible deed, and the fact that the governor himself killed and robbed was not condemned. Moreover, the colonists considered him courageous and fair. a man who cares about the welfare of his subjects. It is noteworthy that, when Champlain temporarily resigned and left for France, on his no one encroached on the treasures. However, the governor’s treasure defended himself, and in a supernatural way, and the reason for this served as the events that occurred on the day of its instillation.
… when the Champlain soldiers lowered their chests into the wet trenches, some young woman appeared nearby. Gubernatorial adjutant Henri Chevrier, “in order to stop the harmful curiosity,” demolished head to a stranger saber. When Champlain recognized in a murdered woman abbess of the monastery Susanne Orly, he ordered to bury his Adjutant with chests together. The abbess was buried not far from Mill Bay. They decided to keep the incident in secret …
And in the sand, such devilry began to happen that people in droves walked there as if to a theater to see a fiery sailboat, or even mysterious fire woman. Those who dared to approach the phantom, soon or lost their minds, or died with strange fires …
Lucky adventurer Jacques Foret
Having received a treasure patent from the government, the Foret team set an earth moving projectile on the pontoons and began to choose sand on the shore of Mill Bay. People worked day and night. First Malcolm Proust, engineer and companion of Jacques was affected: his swept over a broken rope. The second victim was a nephew. treasure hunter Lieutenant Michel Chassin. He led the work in uncle absence and often saw the brightest glow of sand and mirages growing out of it.
At that fateful hour, Major Foret stood on watch together with the driver digging shell and also heard sand whistling, too watched the cold flame breaking out from under the scoops. And when over a luminous figure swayed the earth, Foret saw with horror that one scoop came off and knocked Michel Chassin down. Lieutenant passed away instantly. Thus, of the three people who started this enterprise, survived alone Jacques Foret. He not only survived, but and brought to the end the conceived work, working with the greatest caution.
A photo from open sources
Many years have passed since then, but the cause of a series of deaths is and has not been installed. Fifteen diggers people, and eight of them died. All the tragedies happened at night and accompanied by glow and “singing” of sand. In particular, the truck, who brought people to work, moved out for some reason with an impeccable road and fell into the water from a cliff. Four drowned young men. At the police station, while testifying, Jacques Foret stubbornly insisted that all deaths are a consequence technogenic and human factors.
Later, however, he changed his mind and stated that the beaches on the shore of the mysterious Mill Bay unsuitable for human stay – work and rest, as abnormal and disastrous for psyche.
August 21, 1910 “governor treasure” became property Canadian government. Jacques Foret and his surviving assistants got their reward and parted. Part of the old treasures can still be seen today at the Quebec Museum of Art, the rest are in the treasury.
… And on the banks of the Mill Bay did not stop light extravaganza. The ghost of a headless nun appeared regularly, although he was guarded there was already nothing. In 1922 in the newspaper “Paris Courier” was published a very detailed report on the activities of Major Foret in the dunes of Quebec. It was regretted that this daredevil, patriot and an entrepreneur who managed to get rich in dubious, it would seem, enterprises, died in a psychiatric hospital from a heart attack …
A photo from open sources
Water Time