Photo from open sources
Everyone is mortal. We used to have death behind us for everyone, and the life path of any person can be interrupted in any moment. However, the “black lady” has her favorites, whom she constantly gives respite. In situations where death would seem inevitable, they remain alive, overturning all the calculations of the theory probabilities. Leading a life of danger, they had to die 20 times, but often do not have scratches.
Charmed from death
English pirate Henry Morgan, who took part in countless the number of boarding fights, did not have a single wound. Young Officer Bonaparte repeatedly led his grenadiers into battle. Even becoming a general, he was always among the attackers, and in decisive moments of the battle led the attack, which earned authority and love Old guard. Around him, bullets mowed people dozens, but he Bonaparte remained intact. The leader of the White was considered to be charmed by bullets Movements in Transbaikalia and Mongolia Baron von Ungern. After one of bloody battles his robe was pierced by bullets in more than 70 places. But not one of the bullets hit the baron.
The legendary ace Alexander Pokryshkin, started the war in June 1941 and finished it in 1945. As commander of an air division, he committed sorties until the last day of the war, for which he received from subordinates title “flying divisional”. Upon returning from combat Departure his plane often resembled a sieve. Technicians were amazed how the car did not fall apart in the air. Finished the war without a single injured.
On the President of France General de Gaulle was produced 31 attempted assassination. Once his car was fired at the same time 15 machine gunners – the president got off with one drop of blood: he cut himself, shaking off glass fragments of a broken window in the door a car. Fidel Castro was assassinated more than 600 times, but the legendary commande is still alive.
Is such incredible luck explainable? There is a version that a moment of danger, some people are able to create around themselves a kind of protective field. This usually happens at subconscious mind. Not knowing the mechanism of this phenomenon, many “lucky” wear amulets, icons, incense sticks. Belief in their miraculous the power is supported by the power of the protective field. Amulet loss for “spoken” is equivalent to death: “lucky” loses faith in his invulnerability and becomes defenseless. However, this theory does not there are cases when people survive without even asking about it as for example, in the cases of Fran Selak and Rumpert.
Lucky fran
In 1962, the train on which it rode fell off the rail and fell into the water Selak. 17 people died, but not Fran. In 1963, in an airplane, on which he flew, there was a depressurization of the cockpit, tore out the door, Selaka carried overboard. The plane crashed, all but one died Selak falling on a haystack. In 1966, the bus he rode Croat, had an accident. 4 corpses, Fran has minor bruises. In 1970 his personal car flared up. Driving Selak jumped out a second before the car exploded. In 1973 private car flashed repeatedly. Fran has just a little burnt hair on the head. In 1966, the car on which he rode lucky croatian, fell off a cliff and rolled down. Selak fell at first somersault. Death was clearly in no hurry to tidy him up.
Suicide loser
A 25-year-old San Francisco resident named Rumpert repeatedly I wanted to take my life, but I couldn’t do it. I tried to shoot myself – the gun misfired. Swallowed almost 70 sleeping pills – only vomited. I decided to gas poison – but on this day, gas was turned off for non-payment. Lay on the rails, but the driver stopped the train on time. Wrapping himself with tape, jumped into lake – fishermen saved the suicide. Desperate Rumpert decided not to go contrary to fate and decided to bear the burden of his unnecessary life and further.
In cases with Selak and Rumpert, only one thing comes to mind: some otherworldly forces counteracted their premature leaving life. Apparently, in a certain Book of Fates, their dates are already stamped death, and nobody is going to forward records.
War Life Aircraft