One of Chicago’s Illinois freeways crashed with deer: no matter where the animal came from landed on car and, breaking through the windshield, hooked on the dashboard. According to The Huffington Post, a resident of the city of Chicago, Heidi Conner and her four children touring West Highway No. 90, when their journey was interrupted by fallen from the sky deer. “I was driving and everything was fine, when suddenly a boom – and a deer lies next to me, ”Conner recalls. According to women, the animal as if fell from the sky and her words apparently did not too far from the truth, notes CBS 2 Marissa Bailey (Marissa Bailey), conversing with Conner. Even the cops Difficult to answer, where did the artiodactyl come from? mammal. “So far we can rely only on the words of the witness, who told us that the animal either jumped or fell from located near the overpass, – told representatives of local Media patrol Justin Novarro, first to arrive to the scene. – For all the years of my service I have not seen anything like that. ” A massive deer pierced the windshield and caught on dashboard, causing children in the cabin to scream from horror.
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
“If the animal fell one inch (2.54 cm) to the left, then I would would be dead and couldn’t drive a car, and if by one inch to the right – my son would die – mother emotionally says four children. – Fortunately, the children did not suffer at all, and I escaped with a bruised shoulder and bruises. So it’s over not bad if we consider the worst case scenario. I I believe that all this time God was with me – he protected me”.
The woman managed to steer the car lying on the hood cloven-hoofed to the side of the road, where she and the children began to wait for help. Soon, police and employees arrived in time for the participants in the accident. ambulances that treated Heidi’s abrasions and cuts Conner.
American journalists covering this event noted that about the fate of the deer is not known – guardians of order and police spokesman ignored their requests on this topic.