Democracy and aiding the Nazis – how is it compatible?

Democracy and aiding the Nazis - how compatible is that?A photo from open sources From the goals of Russian citizens gradually eroded once created (mainly during the USSR) the illusion that the USA is a democratic country. World gendarme and the aggressor, and always living at the expense of other countries, the United States simply does not may be called a democratic state.

And if they can, then you need to change the idea of democracy. By the way, at all times democratic (in words) the government was in fact not the best, that is, far from popular, and for Russia in general the tsarist monarchy. The modern democratic system is increasingly demonstrating its failure. If we turn to the facts, then what the more democratic the state, the greater its external debt, which falls on the shoulders of the common people, the less political and spiritual freedoms, and so on.

As for the United States, this is a “democratic state” after World War II also warmed and saved from a fair retaliation for their crimes against humanity thousands of Nazis Nazi Germany. Yesterday, for example¸ Rep. United States Congress Caroline Maloney voiced that more one hundred and thirty Nazi criminals living quietly in America after the war, a total of about twenty million dollars in various allowances. And such benefits, as it turned out, were paid even to those Nazis who left the United States.

According to the Associated Press, which held own investigation, after World War II in the USA settled over ten thousand nazi criminals that are pretty easy straightened American citizenship, found work, and some of them – even then received substantial benefits. Names of the Nazis so far not disclosed.

A photo from open sources

Here it is – American democracy, here is another one terrible face. Moreover, today such popular Russian personalities, how Andrei Makarevich loudly (on the entire Internet) claim that Russia you need to learn democracy from America. This is what to learn, to cover fascists and themselves become a fascist country? It’s no coincidence that statement of the once popular singer and leader of the group “Machine time “caused a flurry of indignation from the Russians, who rightly advised Makar (more worthy of “title” he already does not deserve) go to his beloved “democratic” America

War Russia USA

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