A photo from open sources
Zinovieva N.B.
Article One
How does the inanimate become alive? It is very strange that science carefully avoids this most important issue and pretends that he is not. It seems like a serious scientist does not think about it befitting. Nevertheless, let’s ask ourselves this question. AND To begin with, we formulate it this way: how is the living different from the non-living? To answer it, we’ll conduct a very simple logical analysis, consisting in isolating the characteristic features of both distinguishing them and uniting them. What unites them? Unite physical characteristics, periodic table – representation in living and nonliving of the same chemical elements, as well as the interactions between them are chemical reactions. This is obvious, and on the basis of this community, first of all, elemental composition, such an obvious conclusion is drawn about natural degeneration of inanimate matter into living matter. Well really in special conditions, because empirical experience convinces us that it’s just not happening. Synthesis experiments were carried out. organics from inorganics, some complex organic molecules turned out, but their existence was short-lived and most importantly – they did not become alive: they did not spontaneously, without external impacts to exchange with the environment the substance, energy, information, increase your volume, develop, i.e. structurally get complicated, give birth to their own kind. So we conclude – living and nonliving have a common elemental basis and at the same time significant differences. For example, development, internal complication, reproduction, appropriate response. After all, even the simplest a living creature is looking for food sources, protecting itself from negative environmental influences, functions in an environment of their own kind, is born and dies. These significant differences inherent in living things are not can appear in an inorganic suddenly, for no reason. Fly flies in search of food, dodges a fly swatter and, laying aside larvae, produces yet hordes of the same as her. A the stone lying on the road itself will not budge, it nothing is needed, it does not grow and does not produce a bunch of stones. Yes and organic molecules are very different from inorganic molecules. They are so complicated, bulky! Assumption of a spontaneous act complications logically slim, compact, and most importantly – a stable inorganic molecule (and stability indicates the fact that decomposing it into its constituent elements is not so simple, in unlike organics) looks somehow unreasonable. Organics – this is what remains of once living creatures. These are decay products past life. Molecules are unstable – therefore easily combustible. And we we use them everywhere, and above all – to extract energy – gas, coal, shale, oil, firewood. Reverse Process – Decay organics to inorganic state is clear. It is not clear how organics formed. Where did so many living forms come from? Immediately discard the hypotheses such as “some kind of virus has flown or something else on the tail of the comet, meteorite, “” inseminated by humanoids, “etc. This pushes the problem a little further, but does not solve it. It’s all the same life was about to begin somewhere. We will not touch and religious interpretation – as an act of creation by divine power. Will be look for other hypotheses. In particular, food for thought gives us fantasy. Isaac Asimov has a story where he describes two different worlds arranged according to opposite laws. Awareness the opportunities that such an organization provides allow residents two worlds build a “pipe” between them. Pumping over it back and forth substance, they got inexhaustible, environmentally friendly a source of energy, moreover, for both sides at the same time. A assuming that such a “pipe” already exists and works? Let’s try to look at the phenomenon of life from this position. We’ll fantasize. Imagine that there is somewhere another world arranged according to other laws, the opposite of ours. We have matter decays, and decay occurs at all levels simultaneously (macro, micro, anthropogenic). The consequence of the collapse is discreteness, i.e. spatial discontinuity of matter the isolation of individual objects, atoms, particles, stars, etc. There are other forces acting opposite, contributing to compound, synthesis, complication. Where the basic principle is synthesis, it leads to fusion, continuity, solidity, what is called continuity in science. Such a world cannot consist of matter. Matter is gross and inert, incapable of such transformations. Most likely, the substance in our fantasy world different. I would call it an energy substance, a kind of field, continuum within its borders. Now imagine that will be if this substance gets into our world. Getting here, she forced to obey the laws of this world, that is – break up into tiny discrete particles. After all, everything is here discretely, even a light wave is broken into photons! And to she will have to build protection for herself, shell. Of what? Only from matter. After all, there’s nothing more! Probably the best thing would be in a liquid medium, where the molecules movable. In the air, however, they are also mobile, but the air discharged, they are at a great distance from each other. Need still optimal density. Pulling molecules to itself, this energetic substance thereby “fixed”, “mothballed,” isolated from the outside world, which for her hostile, because it threatens with decay. But this is not enough. Her essence in development, she needs more. She attracts more molecules and herself increases in volume. The molecules enter into interaction, biochemical processes begin. But they are not disintegrate because the energy substance “holds” them contrary to the laws of this world. Therefore, a complex molecule is obtained organics from inorganics that cannot form spontaneously. But to develop it contrary to material laws There are some limits to growth beyond which this living cell, now we can call it that, do not exist can. And she is sharing! Each daughter cell begins a new life, but only to a certain limit, after which again follows the act of division. Existing together, they form a system, which begins to accumulate reserves. These reserves allow increase volume, form functional subsystems – organs. AND this is no longer a single cell, but an organism. But only under protection material shell energy substance may exhibit activity – move around, exchange with the environment, capture everything a larger space is all that is so characteristic of living things. Without she cannot survive in these conditions. And the shell is a thing unreliable, it needs to be supported all the time, protected, fed, drink, treat, dress, wash. Balance of energy substance and material shell – this is the essence of life. His violation threatens death. Death is an irrelevant concept for inorganic matter. For life, this is the separation of the material shells from the energy substance that grew it. And going on This is for various reasons. For example, due to deterioration or violent destruction of the shell. Moreover, this last example very evidence-based hypothesis. If the shell is broken not much, then the energy substance can, updating internal reserves, to “patch” it, and thereby – to preserve itself. Well, where did you see the inorganic itself patching itself? And the living creatures – at every turn. Where after death does this disappear substance – the question is still open, but the shell remains and begins to behave like all inanimate objects in material conditions – break up! After all, the energy protection that would hold her in a state of integrity, she no longer has. And since its shape in material conditions are bulky, nonequilibrium, then it breaks up great, while allowing you to extract a huge amount thermal energy. Here it is the action of the energy “pipe” from another world! It turns out that in each of us there is this energy substance, and all of us in this world are aliens, occupying an inanimate planet with a wide variety of life forms. And we live according to the laws of two worlds. On the one hand, according to the laws inorganic matter that are rigidly determined and unequivocal. On the other hand, according to the laws of another world, ours “historical homeland.” The latter are fully reproduced in this unsuitable environment can not be, therefore, are implemented only partially, occasionally giving the opportunity to one or another to perfect personalities to demonstrate a “miracle”. What is a miracle? This is the effect of other laws that contradict those that dominate in this world. It seems that this cannot be, but this is happening. By force thoughts move objects, dance on hot coals, levitate, prophesy, plunge into suspended animation, etc. That’s why trying synthesis of inorganic organic molecules to create a living cells carried out in laboratories, scholastically pointless. After all, only the shell was reproduced there, without substance filling it. And in nature, all this happens easily and everywhere. Life multiplies and multiplies. We only do that fighting hordes of weeds, field pests, pathogens germs, cockroaches, flies and mosquitoes that breed faster than we destroy them. Of course, this is only a hypothesis. Like u any hypothesis, it has weaknesses. A whole row rises immediately questions: what is this energy substance? How did she get into this world? Where is the border between the worlds? And most importantly, that is this a world where we come from? Or maybe it’s time to deal with by this question?
Time Life Stones