A photo from open sources In this article I will tell you about completely incredible things. About how much our brain does for us, and for that he can be endlessly thanked. Talk about the differences perceptions of the world in women and men, which was partially described in the article “The brain of a man and a woman: the essence of differences.” Men are very fast and easily perceive new information, therefore they are able to more accurately to react, better to navigate. But they can concentrate only on one task due to the alternating work of the left and right hemispheres of the male brain. Because they are annoyed when they distracted by something else. Women are ready to perceive immediately more information because they can simultaneously work both the right and left hemisphere. Because women can clean up, cook, chat on the phone when a man can only do one thing. These differences affect logic: in women – is associated with a huge number of different necessary and unnecessary details, even the most insignificant, and in men it works in one direction, focused on one thing. Of course, occasionally you can meet a man with female logic or woman with a tight male. Women are guided by feelings. To to understand it, you need to act based on intuition and feelings. It is feelings that compel a woman to commit rash acts. Female calculation is almost always accurate. Focused only on which is beneficial to her. Men have no idea that a woman which issues a decision or conclusion, approximately 100-120% is convinced of a positive result and, it should be said, that is justification. Feminine logic is perfect a tool that can manipulate a man with ease and without adverse results, and so that he does not notice at all. How does a woman think? Every woman’s thought consists of a mixture economic, social, psychological calculation. Feminine yes does not mean at all in the full sense of the word. The answer is yes. for a lady only half can match the positive decision, and the second half is the probability of retreat, change own decision. This is, at first glance, a simple statement carries a huge meaning inside. The fairer sex often use the abilities of “their” logic. Nice statement women who seemingly uncertainly left her lips (although every word was carefully thought out, and the intonation on purpose planned), will cause a man first confusion, then surprise, and then emotion. And at that moment the man is ready for manipulation, and the lady carefully and veiledly begins to achieve what she wants. At with all this, everyone is satisfied: lady – because she has reached what is desired from a man, and a man – because he was given a chance to feel yourself omnipotent. Once upon a time, it was noticed that women, adopting a type of male behavior, much more difficult to achieve desired than other ladies. Because in such women, men see if not equal, then close to that. Naturally, in Feminism has both pros and cons. So is it worth it to lose a precious weapon like women’s logic? Why overcome yourself difficulties if a similar result can be achieved with “knight” who will feel almost like a god, helping his defenseless woman? So does it make sense to spoil your manicure? Obviously not. So, dear ladies, you can safely be proud own ingenuity, and for all the comments about the female Logic cute smiling … Well, men – be alert …