Disappeared before our eyes

Photo from open sources

Every year, hundreds of thousands of people disappear. They are looking for them. Sometimes they find it happens – alive, but more often – dead. But sometimes people in the full sense this word disappear. Put aside numerous stories, leave only cases recorded by numerous witnesses and officially documented. In December 1900, disappeared into full staff of the lighthouse on Fiannan Island (North Scotland). The room was in perfect order. Remaining on lighthouse ranger Joseph Moore clambered for several weeks the whole island, but found no traces of the missing team. June 24 1924 during the Arab rebellion in the Middle East plane British Air Force flew into reconnaissance flight. At the appointed time the airplane did not return to base. The plane was found in the middle of Mesopatam desert, but without pilots. Clearly preserved traces testified that the pilots roamed around the car, but places the accident did not leave, waiting for help. The rescue team flew in but Lieutenant Day and pilot Stuart had disappeared by then. Four days No searches were returned. In November 1930, the population disappeared the whole village of Anjkuni in northern Canada. The Eskimos did not leave, on the place was kayaks, rifles, supplies – everything without which to survive in these the edges are simply impossible. Long-drawn howled sled dogs. Nearly 2,000 people, among whom were not only women and old people, but also young healthy men, simply disappeared. In 1947 in the Rocky Mountains (USA) a military transport plane crashed. Rescuers who arrived at the scene of the accident didn’t find living, not dead. There was no trace of blood. 32 people on board during the flight, disappeared. There are more strange cases. People are literally disappearing before our eyes. Returning in 1809 home from Austria British diplomat Benjamin Bathart “melted” on the eyes of his companion. It didn’t happen in the desert, but in the inn. Runaway guests and attendants began to look for the Englishman with whom they just had coffee. In vain. The diplomat was gone. September 23, 1880 Farmer David Lang 5 people disappeared in the air in front of his eyes, among whom were his wife and two of his adult sons. A photo from open sources

In 1975, similarly, before the eyes of people melted in the air Argentinean Carlos Diaz. You should tell about him separately, since Diaz was found. Argentine appeared almost immediately after disappearances, but 500 miles from the place of loss. Shocked Diaz said that he was paralyzed by a ray of light directed from somewhere from above and began to slowly lift up. At an altitude of about 3 meters he passed out. Once he came for a few moments in yourself. Three creatures remotely resembling humans they pulled hair out of his head. Carlos head carefully examined, and indeed found several bald patches. Are all cases should people be lost to the conscience of unknown creatures? Probably not. In 99% of 100, the answer is to be found in the region crime. But what to do with the remaining 1%?

Island Time Aircraft

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