A photo from open sources
A long-standing dispute resolved in favor of men. Family dispute, often escalating into a scandal about how the seat should be located the toilet lasts from the moment of the invention of this plumbing device. That is, almost 130 years. But there is still no consensus. Between However, numerous studies by psychologists show: subject a dispute is a strong irritant in relationship. Unclosed tubes of toothpaste are inferior to him, and the hair left in the sink and the tea-houses scattered on the table sachets. And even socks under the sofas.
Ladies believe that the seat should be lowered – it’s more convenient for them. They scold men who forget to lower it. Especially after how they inadvertently sit on a bare toilet. It sometimes comes to screech.
Men, respectively, favor a raised seat. because that dropped is usually sprayed. Which again brings the ladies to hysteria.
Representatives of each gender have their own iron logic. Not outweighs none. And now it can outweigh it. His weighty ” weights “brought the research of a group of British scientists under Dr. Joe Philip from the hospital Leighton (Leighton Hospital). Their recommendation: if there are children in the house – boys are about 4 years old, then the toilet seat should to be raised.
The male “truth” triumphed. And that’s why. Philip analyzed hospital statistics. And I found a lot of cases when doctors were forced to hospitalize children with injuries genitals. The seemingly incredible thing happened: small the boy himself got up to the toilet. Having prepared to pee, raised the lowered seat, but did not hold it in his hand. And it, falling hit the genitals. The scientist described these nightmarish incidents in authoritative urological journal BJU International. Where and gave effective advice to parents is to forget about personal ambitions.
A photo from open sources
Little boys do the same when approaching toilet Photo: Social networks
Obviously, families in which there are no small boys (or those whose height does not exceed the height of the two toilets) will continue to argue about seat position. But science does not stand still. Scientists anything still come up with. In any case, remember this study – it is explicit candidate for the Shnobel Prize.
A photo from open sources
The original solution to the problem in Japan: two toilets. Satisfied all – men, women and little boys Photo: Social networks