A photo from open sources
On the example of a biography of one of the greatest composers of the past Ludwig van Beethoven can be traced as constantly distorted historical facts, and hence the history as a whole. Which of us is not knows that Beethoven began to lose his hearing when he was still very young (in 26 years old), and at the age of 44 years completely became deaf.
There is even a beautiful legend that in 1824 at the premiere of his Symphony No. 9, Ludwig, as a conductor, stood with his back to the hall and even did not hear, at the end of her room, enthusiastically applauded him, until one of the violinists didn’t turn him to face the frantic to the public.
However, Theodore Albrecht, a professor at the University of Kent (USA) refuted this myth. Painstakingly studying documents related to life Beethoven, he found irrefutable evidence that the great the composer heard with his left ear until his death, though not very well. For example, there is written evidence that before the same legendary concert in 1824 by Beethoven’s colleagues warned him that in order to avoid too much stress by ear, you should not conduct the symphony yourself from the beginning to the end. What is the point of such a warning if the composer were deaf? And such evidence that Beethoven did not completely lose rumor, Albrecht found a lot
Probably, for the same reason, the whole world believes that Mozart poisoned that Ivan the Terrible was the greatest villain (as, incidentally, Stalin – even made an analogy on this occasion) that mother Teresa with childhood distinguished by amazing holiness, and so on. Such there are millions of myths in our world.
No one knows the true history of mankind
Why is there a distortion of historical facts? how say researchers of this phenomenon, all this is inherent in psychology of the person himself, who only preserves for posterity what is interesting from his point of view and will be interesting to follow to generations, embellishing or, conversely, exaggerating something negative.
If you add to this a conscious distortion of history in political, religious, economic and other purposes (see video below), then the pictures of the past loom at least vague and inaccurate, and to be honest – completely false.
Hence the thesis that, without knowing the past, it is impossible to understand present and predict the future – nothing more than beautiful a phrase that has no practical meaning and meaning. let’s let’s ask the most basic question: who in this world knows the true history of mankind? For example, we don’t even remember that as far back as the 19th century there was free and easily accessible etheric energy. Moreover, a whole generation has grown in the USA and Western Europe, which is convinced that Nazi Germany in World War II defeated the allied forces of the Americans and the British. And in Ukraine young people are growing up today who sincerely believe that Stepan Bandera is a national hero and martyr, not the criminal he is was really.
… Without any exaggeration, we can say that Professor Theodore Albrecht conducted a very interesting and useful research, proving that Beethoven’s deafness is a myth. But who will open our eyes to millions other myths, fraud and shameless historical lies? Who and when? No answer…