Do fish feel pain?

A photo from open sources

Although this question is old, like fishing itself, it’s clear no one has answered it yet. In a recent study, scientists came to the conclusion that in the brain of fish there are not enough necessary pain receptors to experience pain like people or animals. Some scientists claim that pain receptors fish that respond to physical damage function on level of reflexes, but they do not transmit pain. “Even if the fish were conscious, suggest that they are capable experiencing pain like a human is completely absurd ”, they write authors of a study published in the last issue of the journal “Fish and fishing.” Pain receptor group that responds for pain in humans, is quite rare in fish and completely absent from sharks and seahorses. Pain receptors fish just cause reflexes, which is fundamentally different from genuine pain. However, critics of this view are convinced that scientists ignore a number of other studies that contradict them conclusions. In 2003, an experiment took place, as a result of which the fish bee venom and an acid solution were injected into the lips. Fish reaction was acute: they intensively rubbed the affected area, swaying from side to side, and their breathing rate was comparable to respiratory rate of fish swimming at maximum speed. Another experiment conducted in 2009 showed that fish after pain experienced not only in every possible way avoided potential dangers, but also tried to defend themselves, this proves that the fish felt pain and remembered it. Animal Abuse Spokesperson Royal Society said: “Today there is enough evidence that the fish are capable of pain and this will remain our point of view. “The argument about how fish feel pain or not, fired up a war between fishers and activists to fight for animal rights. The latter portray fishermen as soulless sadists, and those in turn do not want to give up their beloved classes. However, these unnecessary social conflicts are senseless and useless, because both fishing and hunting will exist as long as there is a demand for fish and meat.

Sergey Vasilenkov


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