A photo from open sources
Sticking new wallpapers on the old ones during the repair, people harm your health and well-being. Any home is like clothes man, his protection from the outside world. Any home absorbs into its walls of emotions, feelings, thoughts of people living in it. And the older the house the more information is contained within its walls. Rustlings and others suspicious sounds, the appearance of ghosts and strange sensations in a person in an old house is associated with radiation from the walls accumulated information.
If good-natured, peaceful people once lived in a house, then future residents will feel the kindness of the walls, feel the house is comfortable, calm, safe. But for the tenant to live in the old house is comfortable, it is necessary that between it and the former residents there was personal compatibility. Good energy will be good for one, but it may not bring someone a sense of peace. Lucky people living in the homes of their ancestors. Through the walls of the house of ancestors support their descendants. There is an energy continuity generations, which helps the living to realize their life program using the experience of ancestors. In terms of a healthy lifestyle it’s more useful for life to live in a completely new house where there were no others before you tenants, or live in the house of those who are spiritually close to you. If you have to live in the house of your ancestors with whom you did not have mutual understanding or, even worse, that overwhelmed you, then such a house will not add to your health and well-being. Settling in the old house, a person takes on the influence of the former residents, even if they died long ago. Life in an old house is a lottery, in which not many win. If a person is self-confident, spiritually strong, then the influence of former residents through the walls of the house he will succeed neutralize. But as a rule, modern man is very vulnerable, and if it’s possible to avoid living in an old house, it’s better not to neglect such an opportunity. Old house, even if it is flowers grow well and people are pleased to be in it – this potential danger. You can’t know for sure in which corner the experiences of the former residents are hidden at home, and when this information spilled on the residents of the present. The surest way to protect yourself from possible evil influence of former residents – do it in the house major repairs, replacing as many items as possible in it, used by the previous owners. Often, when doing repairs, people just paste new wallpapers on old ones, apply new paint on layer of the old. This is a big mistake that can cost both health and general well-being. No matter how beautiful the energy at home is, it must be related to the residents so that the house becomes a fortress, protecting them from the negative impact of the outside world. Is always, settling in the house in which someone already lived before you, you need to physically (and not just through prayers, candles, and holy water) space. You need to remove all layers of wallpaper and paint, wash the walls, floor and ceiling with water, and then create that atmosphere there, which you like.
A photo from open sources
Most of the information about former residents is stored in wallpaper and other decoration materials of the room. If cosmetic repairs in the house were rarely carried out, then information about residents penetrates into the walls, and you can extract it from there with the help of commonplace cleaning products, rags and water. Many people think that by sanctifying apartment, they have already cleaned its energy. Imagine a bunch of old things decomposing and emitting an unpleasant odor. Can ventilate the room in which this heap lies, but when the window close it, smell it again. The same thing happens with hallowed, but not physically cleaned room. In the folk Healing is such a technique, when they put on the old one, long worn clothes of some kind person. clothing a harmonious person will contribute to spiritual harmonization the patient evens out his emotional state, which gradually will lead to healing from a physical ailment. The old house is the same old clothes that can lead to harmony living in it people. Determine the quality of the influence of the walls of the old house on a person can only the person himself, if he has sufficient sensitivity. However, even if it seems to you that your walls at home, in which you are no longer the first tenant, help you, do not need absolutely trust your feelings. If there is a plus, be sure to and minus will appear. Everything old in the astrological system is connected with Saturn. Saturn strengthens, tempers, makes our condition more stable, creates a feeling of security. But it also slows down any processes. The walls of the old house strengthen the immunity of its residents, but can be the cause of the sluggish work of some organs and systems organism, can slow down the healing process from any ailments. Saturn controls the spine, and if, living in an old house, you noticed that they began to stoop or had other troubles with the spine, then Saturn of the old walls is pressing on you. You maybe and you’ll feel protected, but you’ll get old earlier metabolic processes in your body will slow down, your body will become more lethargic and lazy, although overall physical condition will become more stable. If you create a relationship in your old house atmosphere, making repairs there, then all the pros and cons mutually destroyed and the energy of the house becomes neutral. Exactly in a neutral position, in the golden mean a person will really comfortable, such a house will serve him, will give exactly what is required at any given time for maintaining mental and physical strength. Not only the walls of the house, but also the land on which it stands affects the energy of the home. House not move, but you can neutralize the negative. If, even having done repair, you feel that the walls of your house do not improve either mood, no physical condition, then you can put under wardrobes, bedside tables and seashell beds. The larger they are and the larger they are, the more reliable they will protect you from the negative field of the earth. For the physical and emotional state of the residents matters and House number. He lives more comfortably in houses whose sum of numbers is an even number. Odd numbers (e.g. house number 10 (1 + 0 = 1), number 25 (2 + 5 = 7), number 16 (1 + 6 = 7)) are forced to search missing part for balance. Residents of such houses may feel both physical and mental discomfort. Some tenants will often drink tea, others will often visit neighbors to achieve feelings of inner balance. In the house, the sum of the digits of the number of which is an odd number, it’s good to live for those who are rarely at home, who spends the bulk of his life at work or away. If in such a house has to spend a lot of time, then constantly work on creating and maintaining internal harmony: take vitamins, listen to soothing music, take warm baths, look for new ways to create harmony. House with an odd sum of digits numbers inclines a person to search missing element for happiness. If you can find this item, then there will be health and well-being. More fortunate to those who lives in a house whose sum of digits is an even number. An even number carries the energy of stability, balance, constancy, therefore, the physical and emotional state of the residents of such a house It is more stable, even, predictable. Helena Mazova
Water Time Life Health Saturn