Do we eat meat? That’s the question!

Do we eat meat? That is the question!Photos from open Sources Presented to your attention a documentary project “Secrets of the world”, which is posted on YouTube under the erroneous name “Legal cannibalism,” as if someone specifically disguised from users so that they did not learn the truth about meat. It is no coincidence that this film, despite its super importance for everyone person, for a month and a half looked only about eight thousand human. And it is desirable that everyone knows the truth about meat.

Meat lovers, don’t stand right there on this the documentary film just praises the meat more than They talk about his harm, and even the film begins with the fact that tells how meat made a person a man (otherwise he would still ran among other monkeys). But … remember the phrase of the ancients Greeks: man is what he eats. That’s why the Mongols, eating horsemeat, were so swift and hardy. That’s why Koreans, who love doggies, are a very united people, worshiping his leader as a god. That is why the ancient Slavs before they used bear’s battle in order to want to be strong and hardy.

A photo from open sources

For this reason, the USSR collapsed, when in the late eighties years of the last century the whole great power planted on American chicken legs – Bush’s legs. Firstly, the chicken is the stupidest bird. Secondly, these legs are a modified product, grown, possibly with a special sight, to ruin the eternal enemy of the United States – the Soviet Union. No coincidence whatever disagreements between Russia and the United States then neither arose, the supply of chicken legs remained unchanged – for our overseas rulers (perhaps the puppeteers themselves) followed this strictly.

As the ancient wise Chinese said, meat is not food, meat is it’s a medicine, that is, a person can live without it, although sometimes it is good for health. For information in the nineties of the last century, after the collapse of the USSR, Cuba was on the verge of a food tragedy, they stopped eating meat at all (it simply wasn’t), but ate only reeds, fruits and vegetables, which on the island of Freedom abound. For ten years such a nation has forgotten about many of the worst diseases freshened up and rejuvenated, got rid of obesity and so on. And all only because of refusal (albeit forced) from meat.

A photo from open sources

This is one side of the coin, and the second is that modern man does not eat meat, he uses modified product stuffed with various hormonal additives. All this the poison is fed into the cattle only so that the bulls, pigs, chickens and so on grew rapidly and reached enormous size, since this is the main economic (and possibly political) goal meat producers.

And you know that millionaires never eat such meat, they bring it to them from Japanese (or what else) special farms, where those but bulls or cows are kept, as in the best resorts in the world. Animals on these farms are even given beer and periodically wiped. rice vodka, they listen to classical music and watch TV – this is how the necessary and, most importantly, reading information is laid in the meat, which then goes to the one who eats it. True, such meat It costs about ten thousand dollars per kilogram.

And what goes with meat into a modern person who uses the usual modified “shit”? Narcotic addiction, dullness and a tendency to obesity – that’s all! Such sensation, the authors of the film conclude that modern society specially fed with such stupefying meat, turning humanity into a dumb cattle, for which the main thing becomes – eat, drink and multiply. Do you have any idea who needs this? There is an opinion that this fits well with the puppeteers program – secret world government, which in this way seeks to unite all of humanity in one obedient flock of sheep – meat-absorbing matrix.


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