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In Russia as a whole, according to data cited by K. Kartashova for 2000, the urban population is 73% of the total population. The network of settlements includes 1092 cities, about 2 thousand urban-type settlements and 153 thousand rural settlements. These data firmly indicate the level of urbanization of the population. Such him crowding in cities creates many of the problems characteristic of technocratic society. It is no coincidence that V. Megre notes that life management of large cities is aimed at the destruction of man in relation to natural space. Bad environmental urban conditions contribute to poor physical health, and intense rhythm of life – increased stress, disturbances in psycho-emotional sphere. Characteristic is the fact that in “civilized”, economically developed countries with a high level of life increases the number of suicides. V. Burlak explains so negative impact of the intense rhythm of technocratic life Society: “Under the influence of the activity of our luminary, the rotation of the earth around it and its axis arose periodicity natural phenomena. According to the solar activity cycle, this period is approximately 11.1 years. This cycle is perceived the biological world of the Earth is similar to the change of seasons, day and night. It largely determines the rhythm of life on our planet. In organism no human organ, not a single cell that doesn’t would react to daily and seasonal changes on the planet: habitat temperature, lighting, pressure, etc. How not to fall out of great harmony – the Universe, Earth, Man? How to live in accord with cosmic rhythms? How best to use them for the good people? These issues need to be addressed today when humanity accelerates the rhythm of his life, not coordinating it with the rhythm of the environment of the world … It is established that overcoming long distances in the unusual for a person pace, artificial lighting, intense, unnatural noise exposure, separation from nature and inconsistency with cosmic rhythms leads to disruption synchronization of the functions of cells and the whole organism. Scientists believe that desynchronosis is especially aggravated by air travel in the eastern and western directions. It takes several days for the body used to people, adapted to the new daily routine, to a new biological time. Therefore, when conducting various political, cultural, scientific, sports and other events experts recommend that you take into account the desynchronosis factor, entailing weakening of the body, lethargy, increased irritability, drowsiness or insomnia, apathy, etc. But fully implement these necessary recommendations, unfortunately rarely succeed. “The rapid growth of cities and the outflow of population from rural areas contributes to a greater separation of people from natural natural rhythms (desynchronosis). This is the main reason. occurrence of physical and mental diseases of people, which begins to progress more and more amid worsening ecological situation in industrialized centers. These diseases are the basis of many problems that arise in modern society. Among the main of these problems is the academician I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada distinguishes the following: – physical degeneration humanity; – the transformation of society into a “collective drug addict”; -brewing of the fourth world war; – the transformation of man into cybernetic organism (essentially a biorobot). And, in in particular, he notes: “Until the last years, no one it occurred to me that the massive transition from traditional rural to a modern urban lifestyle (it was completed in on a global scale during the first half of the XIX century – in to a large extent over the next two to three decades) entails, among many others, one truly catastrophic consequence: in a city a person completely loses the need for a family, for children, not only becomes “socially impotent”, incapable of normal reproduction generations. Than, as it is easy to understand, mortal signs himself sentence as a species of terrestrial fauna … The collapse of the family, mass competition, loss of need for children in practice leads to the overwhelming predominance of a one-child, on average, family. In her the child has no one to take care of from an early age, and he is increasingly growing infantile – a “real child” for life. With appropriate attitude to social responsibility, to family, to class relationships, drugs, etc. However, it does not necessarily have best heredity. Not only that, as we have said, the idiocy of the modern school shakes his nervous system, undermines the immune system (allergy), bends the spine, spoils vision, and more often the ear-throat-nose system, not to mention urology and gynecology. And all this genetic inferiority is as if automatically inherited. “The results of this lifestyle are already in soon may be disastrous. Main the reason for the decline in the birth rate is urbanization – mass migration of people to cities, their separation from natural natural rhythms with which a person is in a state of harmony only in the lap of nature. For this reason, villagers have more good physical health. Another reason causing “desynchronosis” of human biorhythms with the rhythms of nature is strict regulation of life in a technocratic society.
Time Life Health Russia