Do you have the mind gene?

Do you possess the mind gene?Photos from open sources

Probably, many have noticed that some people live to a deep old age and at the same time do not lose one iota, and other old people just fall into childhood, that is, completely lose their normal brain work. Recently, California scientists published data their studies that shed light on this problem.

It turns out that some people have a gene of mind that contained in protein kloto. Scientists have already given this gene a name – KL-VS. It is on its content in the body that conservation pure reason, even in old age. Moreover, this gene affects the life expectancy of a person, because it improves the work of the most important internal organs. It turns out that the smarter man – the more chances he has to live to a deep old age.

Like it or not, but life has repeatedly confirmed this truth: hardworking scientists tend to live to old age. And, mind you, they don’t lose reason, do not get sclerosis …

California researchers say the mind genome has only every fifth person on the planet – not so much. Can, it is for this reason that we have the saying “what is old, what small “(and, with different variations, it is present in every language world), and the life expectancy of people as a whole is catastrophic small. Hence, longevity cannot yet be explained – not there, it turns out we are looking for a reason …

Scientists from California reported that protein clotto has another a kind of gene that, on the contrary, leads to dementia and dramatically shortens a person’s life. But the dementia gene, fortunately, has only three percent of the population.

New data on genes of the mind and dementia, scientists say, will help in further more successfully solve the problem of longevity and fight some diseases, say Alzheimer’s. But over this problem (the opportunity for everyone to give the longevity gene and pure mind to old age) you still need to work and work …

Do you have the mind gene? ..

A life

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