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New studies have shown that it turns out in the fight against excess Cold air can help weight. Specialists declare: regular mild exposure to cold air can help get rid of extra pounds. Weight loss occurs over by increasing the amount of energy that the body consumes forced to spend to maintain normal internal temperature. Researchers are sure the cause of mass obesity industrial society lies in the ability of people to regulate ambient temperature, artificially creating for his organism the most comfortable, we can say greenhouse conditions. In other words, in order to lose weight? need as much as possible spend time not in warm and comfortable rooms, but in fresh in the air. Today, many people spend 90 percent of their time in temperature controlled rooms. However if you you want to make your body function normally, it doesn’t Indulge in overly comfortable conditions. Otherwise finally relaxing, he can completely forget how control your body temperature. When on our body mildly exposed to cold air, we start actively generate heat by automatically consuming fat reserves. Studies have shown that people in the cold spend five times more energy than those who are comfortable temperature conditions. The body begins to draw energy from deferred body fat, which experts call brown fat. This fat is intensified activated in response to cold, burning extra calories. In young people, as well as in people of middle age-old brown fat heat production may make up to 30 percent of the energy budget of the whole organism. Japanese experts conducted an interesting experience in this regard. Group volunteers for six weeks every day for two hours was in a room with a temperature of 17 degrees Celsius. IN As a result, the people participating in the experiment lost significantly weight. Another study has shown that the human body able to adapt quickly enough to temperature extremes. A group of people spent six hours in a room with temperature regime of 15 degrees Celsius. As a result of their organisms began to produce more “brown fat”, resistance to cold increased, and overall health significantly improved.