A photo from open sources
Dogs have been living side by side with people for so long that they have already learned understand their commands. However, they are not only aware of words or gestures, but also a look. By the movement of his master’s eyes, the dog can predict what does he intend to do. Scientists claim that by ability four-legged pets do not concede everything without words two year old children. Hungarian explorer Josef Topal came to conclusion that dogs borrowed some social skills, for example, the ability to establish non-verbal communication, that is, to communicate without the help of words. To unravel what from him the owner demands, the dog follows his gaze. If a person establishes eye contact with the pet – this is a sure sign that now the team will follow. Conducted experiments using pupil tracking techniques led to unexpected discovery. “Our studies have shown that dogs respond to human communication is just like little children. Earlier it was assumed that this type of communication is peculiar only people, ”said Joseph Topal. Children from six months to two years learning to recognize the mood and requests of parents by how they look at them. Dogs act in a similar way. For example, they are not too willing to take food from the hands of people who look away. Those who look four-legged in the eyes, cause they have more trust. Topala compatriot canine Peter Pongrash went even further. He claims that in the bark of man’s best friends various messages are encrypted. So, the dogs accurately determine the dimensions of a growling animal only by the sounds of its voice. Specialists conducted a study in which 96 dogs were involved different breeds. They were all shown images of the other two. animals. On different halves of the screen were projected photographs of one the same dog, but one image was the right size an animal whose growls were heard by the subjects. Second photo has been reduced or increased by a third. It turned out that more than 80% all dogs participating in the experiment, with the sound of a canine the voices from the speaker looked exactly at the image of the animal, size-appropriate growl. The results were very surprising. scientists: until now it was believed that the transfer, and most importantly – perceive speech information with similar accuracy can only primates. “We have clearly proven that dogs with their growls for sure broadcast to all surrounding animals information about their sizes and the degree of potential danger, “said the author of the study. Peter Pongrash. Vitaly NIKONOROV