Drone filmed Bigfoot in Oregon the forest

The drone photographed a bigfoot in the Oregon forestPhoto from open sources

Once upon a time to capture a snowman on camera or camcorder, had to go to the forest hoping to stumble into the wilderness of the legendary cryptid. With one on the other hand, the Yeti needed to get relatively close to the picture or recording turned out to be of high quality, but on the other – it’s worth it, surely keep a safe distance so that the monster does not attack you. After all, no one knows how aggressive the big feet are.

Today, in the age of technological progress, video hunting for putative relic hominid can be produced by radio-controlled multicopter. Modern commercial drones are able to overcome a couple of kilometers, fixing on the camera is everything that happens on earth. So, last year we wrote about an Idaho resident who managed to capture with a drone large primate running at high speed on green to the field.

At the beginning of this year, a similar fortune overtook another resident United States, this time from Oregon. Submitted Below the video was received in January of this year near the river South Fork-Mackenzie in the vicinity of the Cougar reservoir. The man, keen on high-altitude wildlife photography, used quadrocopter “Phantom 3 Advanced” with satellite navigation. The American did not even suspect that the lens of his device in in a snowy forest, a creature unknown to science will fall.

Spectacular Bigfoot Video

Despite the fact that the flight altitude of the device was approximately 760 meters, the sasquatch was shot on the camcorder quite well. The owner of the drone, however, did not see the mysterious alien on screen of the remote control and noticed it only later, viewing received material at home on the computer. According to the American, he was shocked by his find and immediately hastened to share it with by the public.

The record shows a dark humanoid animal on the right the bank of the river. It walks in the snow between the trees near the water. Homo erect and broad shouldered creature moves in broad strides – possibly due to being drowned in the snow. At a certain moment the drone flies right over the yeti. The original recording lasts more than ten minutes, and this scene is the only one where it is noticeable big foot. But it was enough to cause a commotion among cryptozoologists, researchers of supernatural phenomena and ordinary World Wide Web users.

Many experts, having analyzed the video, came to the conclusion that it shows a real sasquatch. And here are the skeptics on the Internet convinced that this is a hiker or a hunter. However why Then he does not see a backpack, equipment and guns? Anyway, if this is really a person, then obviously in some kind of gorilla costume. This begs the quite reasonable question: what is this disguised weirdo does away from civilization in severe frost? Specialists note that the captured animal moves very characteristic of Bigfoot gait. In any case, people don’t go like that …

Drones Yeti Snow

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