Drunk and unwashed Russia – who came up with why this is?

Drunk and unwashed Russia - who and why invented it?A photo from open sources According to statistics, in the Russian Federation they drink even now much less than in some civilized countries world and especially Western Europe. And in tsarist Russia drunkenness in general did not have. Who invented this tale that the Russians are all without exception drunkards?

There is even a myth that the Tatar-Mongols brought to Russia the so-called Genghis Khan gene, which spawned mass drinking among Rusich. However, before Peter the Great, who began to “cut through window to Europe “and took over a lot of bad things from there, in Russia, for example, did not know vodka at all and drank very moderately light hop mead and kvass. This is all the liquor that was known at that time. Great Russia, and she used these drinks not just rarely, but also with amazing wisdom.

Even greater absurdity about unwashed Russia. From ancient times they knew in Russia what is a bathhouse, a steam room and a birch broom to it. It at that time as in Western Europe in the Middle Ages even kings and nobles washed only twice in their lives – at baptism and before wedding, and even after death (washing the body of the deceased). More In addition, Russia taught Europe to use the toilet and others. hygiene practices that make a person’s home – clean, and his the soul is bright. By the way, perfumes were invented in Europe not to smell good, and so as not to stink bad, because from constantly not the washed body actually carried a mile away.

In the documentary project that we bring to your attention, these and many other secrets of Russian greatness are revealed, never not satisfied with the West. That is why in the desire to belittle Russia Westerners have come up with not only all these ridiculous myths, but also constantly rewrote the history of the Russian state, increasingly turning Russian in a kind of uncultured barbarians and lapotnikov, off-road vehicles finally.

By the way, in Russia, in fact, they never built good roads, since the heirs of Hyperborea could safely do without them, since ancient times possessing levitation and various aircraft. Probably, the Russians still have this in their blood and genes – neglect of roads, which, like all current achievements modern civilization, nothing more than crutches that do not accept wide and bright Russian soul.

Finally, this documentary project shows why Great Russia has always been like a bone in the throat of Western Europe, for which didn’t like Russians, and who and why constantly sought to deliver Russia to its knees. By the way, they are still trying, not understanding that freedom-loving and more perfect spiritually than all these spiteful critics, people are simply impossible to break or defeat …

Russia time

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