In the archive of the Foundation for the Memory of the Dead on the Pass of the Dead groups of climbers led by Igor Dyatlov, there are already 64 (!) versions of what happened – from the avalanche to the Bigfoot – but not one of them fully explains what is it all the same It happened. It turns out that everyone goes in a vicious circle.
In their investigations, Komsomolskaya’s journalists gradually come to the conclusion that the cause of the drama could be some unsuccessful military trials. A number of very serious facts pushes.
Well, for example, in early May 1959 the bodies of the latter were found four tourists. Three of them were seriously injured. At Lyudmila Dubinina’s tourists have broken almost all their ribs, and Semen’s Zolotorev’s broken half ribs, Nikolai Thibault’s fatal skull injury.
All injuries – experts established – were intravital. What immediately comes to mind? Tourists beat someone cruelly. Other explanations not. This means that it is necessary to begin an even wider investigation, which is why in 1959 year and the relatives of the deceased cried out. However … the party elite Sverdlovskaya orders to curtail this business!
Investigator Vladimir Korotaev then in the years of publicity told: “… the first secretary of the city committee invites me Prodanov party and transparently hints: there is, they say, a proposal is a matter to stop. Clearly, not his personal, only as an indication from above. By At my request, the secretary then called Andrei Kirilenko (first Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Party Committee).
And he heard the same thing: stop the business. Literally every other day the investigator Lev Ivanov, who quickly and turned … I, as a lawyer, was very surprised by the quick terms of the investigation – March, April, May, – while such an event required more lengthy investigation. We should visit these places in the summer, perhaps there would be some traces. ”
However, in May 1959, the case was closed with a foggy wording: “The cause of the death of students was elemental force, to overcome which they were not able to. ”
Perhaps the tourists filmed a test flight of the R-12 rocket, launched from the Kapustin Yar training ground.
A photo from open sources
Well, and how to explain this instruction from above – to stop the investigation? If tourists would die from an avalanche, from a UFO, from a booze (and what else are there versions?), wouldn’t they continue to investigate this case? Hence the conclusion follows: the case was closed only because it connected with state (i.e. military) secret.
Further we read the memoirs of investigator Korotaev (“AiF-Ural”, No. 5, 2004):
“… Mansi’s testimony removed from the case I was conducting Anyamova and Sambindanova. They said they watched the taiga an elongated body, behind which a flame erupted …
I remember well how I was present at the autopsy medical experts Renaissance and Hans. There were no visible bodies damage, but the bones were badly broken. Kohl Thibault’s skull was in literally flattened. After the autopsy, we were ordered plunge into barrels of alcohol.
I immediately reported the results of the autopsy to members of the government commissions, which at that time drank in Lozva. But new data turned out to be nobody needs: everyone was happy with the version of the death of students from freezing. Soon I was removed from the investigation. Many years later I talked with scientists from the circle of the Queen, academician Rauschenbach.
It is believed that the last picture of the Dyatlovites captured falling rocket stage Photo: Dyatlov group memory fund
A photo from open sources
I was very slurred that they said there were some tests. Personally, I am inclined to the “rocket” version. In a few years after the tragedy, one of the Mansi hunters discovered in the forest an incomprehensible piece of iron, which, obviously, was one of the fragments. Before so far, no serious searches have been conducted on the Dyatlov Pass. I think, that the wreckage is still there and if desired, they can be found … ”
Many people ask a logical question: if a rocket killed tourists, then why none of the military blabbed? We think very even blabbed. After all, according to the recollections of veterans, then almost the whole of Sverdlovsk said that tourists became victims of trials weapons. And the relatives of the victims suspected the military.
Here, for example, what his father said during interrogation in March 1959 Lyudmila Dubinina, in those years a senior employee of Sverdlovsky economic council: “… I heard conversations of students of the Ural Polytechnic (UPI) that the flight of undressed people from the tent is caused by an explosion and large radiation …, and the statement of the head. administrative department the regional committee of the CPSU, T. Yermash, made to the sister of the deceased, T. Kolevatova, about that the rest, 4 people not found right now, could live after death, found no more than 2 hours, makes me think that forced, sudden escape from the tent – due to explosion shell * and radiation near the mountain 1079, the “filling” of which forced … to run further from her and, presumably, influenced vital activity of people, in particular, on sight.
The shell light was seen on February 2 at about seven in the morning in Serove. … I wonder why the tourist ones weren’t closed routes from Ivdel … If the shell deviated and did not hit the planned training ground, in my opinion, the agency that issued this a shell must send aerial reconnaissance to the place of its fall and rupture to find out what he could do there. … if aerial reconnaissance was done, it can be assumed that she picked up the remaining four human. As stated here by my personal opinion, I am not with anyone shared, considering it not to be divulged. ”
In this regard, interesting press memories (already in Perestroika) Sergei Sogrin, who, as a student of UPI, participated in the search for bodies of tourists. “In the early 70s I met in the Pamirs with I. D. Bogachev, master of sports in mountain climbing. He worked in Moscow at some secret research institute. In the evening at campfire on Lake Iskander-Kul I told him the story of Dyatlov, on that he literally answered me the following: “In those years, we dumped spent rocket launch stages to uninhabited areas of the North Urals, and the Woodpeckers turned out to be a victim of this. “More to ask impossible, he worked, as they said then, in the “box”.
* Obviously, the word “shell” means a fragment of a step rockets.
Two arguments against
1. Why in the perestroika year, when everything talked about everything, no one told the press about the pass?
After all, the same Bogachev I.D. (about whom Sergey Sogrin wrote, see above) could tell us how waste was dumped into the Urals launch vehicle stages.
Only we have a question: why should honorable pensioners spoil themselves life with such stories? It means losing gifts and all sorts of honors from his enterprise, betray, lose friends …
2. Suppose tourists poisoned with rocket fuel and jumped out of the tent. But why did the three guys get such severe injuries? How to relate this to the fall of the rocket steps?
Alas, we have no firm answers to this question. Not yet. The investigation is ongoing.
Dyatlov Pass Rocket Time