Photo from open sources
Thanks to modern surveillance cameras and a huge amount video cameras (almost every person in a particular gadget), the picture is gradually emerging that the person is quite reliable protected against accidents.
Guardian angels work almost with jewelry accuracy, sometimes just fantastically pulling a person out of a seemingly imminent death, say, under the wheels of a car, or beyond a few seconds “stealing” a person from the place where it should take place disaster or accident.
This is exactly what the video demonstrated (see below), which shows the moment when a schoolboy is standing on the sidewalk with his elbows about the openwork fence separating it from the track, and, apparently, either misses or dreams. However, some unknown force makes him soon hurry to step aside.
And as soon as the boy leaves, just in this place where he stood, at great speed, a car flies in, whose driver did not cope with management. Only concrete stops the car a pillar, otherwise he would have flown further and would certainly have knocked down schoolboy.
And there are a lot of such cases recorded by video cameras. IN There’s even a video on the network that shows an angel, pulling a motorcyclist along with his equipment from under the wheels a truck. After which the rescued instantly appears meters twenty from the accident, and the truck driver gets out of the cab and he wonders where the man who he shot down and his moped also.
By the way, analysts say, notice how little on earth one-eyed people, but human eyes are practically not protected from accidental injuries. And if we follow the theory of randomness, at least at least one third of humanity would walk either blind or one-eyed. But this is not. It turns out that, in this case, to help everyone his guardian angel comes to man …
Angels Drivers