Former NASA climatologist Davein Cessil, recently participating in Sharon Klein’s broadcast, said the Earth would not be able to contain more than five hundred million people who are accustomed to living “in a western way.” is he also emphasized that control over the population and over volumes of fresh water are “the most important global a necessity. ” Photo from open sources Dr. Cessil, a former employee researcher, both at NASA and at the National Administration oceanic and atmospheric phenomena, now working in the National Asheville North Climate Alert Center Caroline. Dr. Cessil, climatologist, although admits that the human influence on the climate has not yet been proven, but also expresses concern that “the Earth may fully meet the needs of only half a million people living “Western consumption.” Davein Cessil said radio host: “We can accurately predict the weather for ten days in advance, weather forecasts for periods from two to twenty years are much less accurate. Weather and Climate Forecasting change is critical to agriculture, growth and migration population, health and quality of life. “More Dr. Cessil dwelled on the climate change of Mars in the past. By his Curiosity rover discovered basaltic rocks with high water content, which indicates that in the past these rocks were part of the ocean floor. Found on Mars evidence of erosion of water and polar ice caps in the distant past. “The above climate change is not related to human activity, unless with activity aliens. Be that as it may, there are no plants on the red planet, emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Another former employee NASA James Lovelock teamed up with eco-fascists Paul Erlich and Hansen to call for a reduction in population during name of the earth. They write: “The problem with the population of the Earth needs to be addressed in urgent, you need to raise the level of education and expand women’s rights and opportunities, including in terms of employment, in legal sphere, in terms of ownership and inheritance, pay attention to the health of children and the elderly. Modern ways contraception should be accessible to everyone. “Complaining that “birth control funding between 1995 and 2008 decreased by 30 percent over the years, which was not the last turn due to legislative pressure of religious organizations, “the authors say,” education and planning important for the formation of a quantitatively stable planetary population and for a way of life. “The finale of their message reads:” In conditions society has no unprecedented state of emergency no choice but to take drastic measures to prevent collapse of civilization. Or we will change tactics and build completely a new type of global community, or change will begin to happen uncontrollably. ”
Water Life Mars NASA