A photo from open sources Residents of Chelyabinsk again complain “trembling earth.” Today, October 8th, the shaking of houses is particularly noticeable was immediately in several areas of the city. “It feels like a building bursting at the seams. And a terrible hum, “- said the office staff High-rise buildings on Enthusiasts Street. “Earthquake” felt on also residents of a number of houses in the northwest and Traktorozavodsky district. Deputy Head of the Administration of Chelyabinsk Egor Kovalchuk confirmed to “URA.Ru” that today the city authorities received complaints from the population to shaking houses. “We have already reported this in Ministry of Radiation and Environmental Safety of the region. We’ll deal with the Ministry of Defense again, “said Kovalchuk. South Urals residents massively began to complain about the vibration of buildings and damage to the walls in 2010. “Tremors of the earth” recorded even seismic station “Arti”, located in the Sverdlovsk region. The only version that was subsequently confirmed was that that an “earthquake” causes a blast wave that reaches the capital of the South Urals from the Chebarkulsky landfill, where recycling old ammunition. The administration of Chelyabinsk filed for the Ministry of Defense RF to court. But the meeting did not take place, since the command Central Military District promised that since the beginning of this summer on the disposal of ammunition near Chebarkul will use a new Destroyer R-40, destroying old shells by reactive burning and burning of its explosives without detonation. This, according to the military, should significantly reduce sound wave and virtually eliminate the appearance of shock. And although they began to apply the new installation, the effect of it turned out to be almost zero. Residents of Chelyabinsk, as well as cities nearby Chebarkul and villages still feel the “trembling of the earth.”
Earthquakes Chelyabinsk