Ebola Fever – A New Threat humanity

A photo from open sources

Emerging AIDS was once called the “plague of the XX century.” But AIDS turned out to be just a runny nose compared to Ebola fever. AIDS virus kills a person for 10 years, Ebola virus does this in a few months, not even weeks. Virus AIDS dies with its victim, Ebola virus lives up to 50 days after the death of its carrier. Doctors have been looking for more than 30 years a means to combat fever, but so far not even the light is visible at the end the tunnel. And the virus, meanwhile, is spreading across the planet. First appearance, first victims First outbreak of Ebola occurred in 1976 in the north of Zaire, almost simultaneously at 55 villages. Patients and staff of the only hospital in the county extinct without exception. The first patients delivered to the capital of Zaire caused horror among doctors: an infected person decomposed alive, expiring external and internal bleeding. The body turned into jelly-like mass. Gradually, the liver, kidneys, brain died, intestines, skin areas. Only skin remained unaffected the muscles. Photos from open sources

Doctors faced this for the first time and did not know how to deal with a disease. The president of the country ordered to surround the infected area troops and gave the order to shoot everyone trying to get out of him. The arriving WHO mission did not find a single patient. Explore there was nothing. Survivors could be counted on the fingers. The mortality rate was 88%, i.e. 9 out of 10 cases were dying. Around the same time, a fever broke out in Sudan, where every second died. The incident with the monkeys in 1998 in Reston (USA) monkeys were brought to the monkey nursery with The Philippines. Primates were quarantined, and almost immediately among them case began. The study of tissues and blood shocked doctors – Ebola fever! But where is Africa and where is the Philippines! Where from the asian monkey African virus? All the monkeys were killed, and the doctors made a terrible conclusion: the Ebola virus is not limited to Black the continent. Of the employees of the nursery, no one was hurt that gave American doctors the confidence that everything was not so badly. They were wrong. 5 varieties of death Since 1976 Ebola fever broke out more than once in various parts of Africa. The disease always appeared suddenly, killing almost all infected and suddenly disappeared, limiting herself to a tragedy on a small territory. To date, it has been established that ebavavirus has 5 strains. Asian monkeys were carriers of the safest of them – Reston. Doctors cautiously say that he is deadly only for primates and harmless to humans (so far out of 13 cases not one died). Photos from open sources

Bundibugio ebavirus is much more dangerous (mortality – 25-35%) and Sudanese (50-65%). The worst is Zaire, coefficient whose mortality is 80-90% (almost all die). The incubation period of fever is from 2 to 20 days. If not sick recovered in a week or two, almost certainly by the beginning of the third he will die. Doctors stubbornly seek a way to fight the disease, but so far the only effective means is hard quarantine. 2014: hour X has struck? In March 2014, ebolavirus again declared itself. The fever began in Guinea. This time the disease is not closed in the region, and began to capture more and more area, spread to neighboring states. The number is growing sick and dead. On September 6, 2014 this ratio is 3967: 2105. The population flees from infected areas and quarantine zones just right declare whole states. Guinea Neighboring Countries Close their borders. But the concept of the border in Africa is very arbitrary. Through dozens and hundreds of people go through the jungle. Which of them is healthy, who is sick – unknown. And when the disease goes into the active phase, it remains only declare another quarantine zone. Photos from open sources

In Liberia, police fire on quarantine opponents, Sierra Lyone Parliament Criminalizes harboring Ebola patients. WHO hopes to find medicine, stop the epidemic and localize the focus, but before this will happen, predicts the growth of patients to 20,000. A bye … In early August, the first European died in Spain a patient. Did Jin break free?

Africa Viruses Time

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