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In the dispute between quantum theory and general theory relativity Einstein’s theory came out victorious again: in this once the argument concerned a pair of superdense stars. Two stars that are at a distance of 7 thousand light years from Earth, allowed scientists to test the effect of theories in practice. Although the theory Einstein’s relativity is able to predict how gravity of large objects affects behavior spatio-temporal continuum, it is not perfect. For instance, she cannot explain the unusual behavior of small bodies, which is easy explains quantum mechanics. When it comes to comparatively miniature, but still very large objects such as black holes, scientists cannot come to a consensus, since the two theories in to some extent contradict each other. Take a couple of stars – on orbit a very large neutron star that revolves around its axis 25 times per second, there is a tiny white dwarf. To explain their behavior, you need to understand the relationship between the two physical theories. The white dwarf is an aging star that gradually cools down. A neutron star weighs twice as much as the sun, but it is wider than the sun by only 19 km, so gravity on the surface stars are 300 billion times stronger than on Earth. Scientists have observed behind the system of this star through a huge telescope. “Fast superficial analysis led me to the idea that a pulsar (neutron star with a magnetic field) is really very heavy space object, says research supervisor John Antoniadis. – This star is twice as heavy as the sun, which means it is the most the largest neutron star of all we know, which gives us great scope for research. “To confirm the theory Einstein on this pair of stars, researchers need to observe behind the behavior of the binary system of stars. According to theory relativity, large objects change space and time, due to which, under the influence of gravity, the light follows a curved trajectories. This two-star system should create ripples in space-time continuum – gravitational waves. Other theories claim that the white dwarf should move a little differently. Einstein’s theory unmistakably determined the movement of this star pair. Although this study will not be able to resolve the conflict between quantum mechanics and relativity, scientists will look for others gravitational waves to test Einstein’s theory again.
Sergey Vasilenkov
Gravity Sun Einstein