A photo from open sources
A strange object in the sky was filmed by Mr. Al Ien. Moreover the American was so surprised by what he saw and then recorded his camera that immediately turned to the web audience for help the Internet.
A photo from open sources
Here is what Al Ien writes about this:
This is a very huge and mysterious object, but in no way Mars and no glare in the camera (please do not even write about it, I video professional). Moreover, I am absolutely sure that this no Nibiru, although it’s precisely this conclusion that suggests itself today, when there is so much talk about Planet X – around and everywhere. And no need accuse me of fraud: I’m not the age to to do this stupidity. And yet, it’s completely not clear and what is it?
Note that the footage was comprehensively analyzed Digital Photography Specialists. Their findings are generally surprising: this is clearly not a planet, they write, the object generally looks like a giant rock mine with spikes. Some kind of miracle …
Internet users immediately began to build all kinds of guesses, starting from the classic “flying saucer” and ending with failures in the matrix in which we supposedly live. At an interesting time we we live, some of them write, and our world itself is very interesting and just peerless. And not only because it is constantly there are some fantastic phenomena, and especially those that scientists are called upon to enlighten and explain everything that happens around, constantly hiding something or distorting the facts. So in this case, NASA experts habitually keep quiet, as if nothing happened over Pennsylvania. And this is despite the fact that a strange ball in the sky was seen by many witnesses …